WHO, misused drugs make 195,000 deaths every year in Europe


According to estimates of the World Health Organization 30% to 50% of drugs prescribed [VIDEO] by doctors are not taken as they should. In particular in the European Union each year, more than 194,000 deaths would occur due to errors in taking medication (eg in dosages), with a cost for hospitalizations equal to 125 billion euros year. For example, it may be possible to take the medicine at lower or higher doses than prescribed by the doctor or you may forget to take it. Whereas some drugs are essential for the health of the patients it is well understood what consequences can lead to an oversight or incorrect badumption of the same.

The Investigation of the Tribunal Cittadinanzattiva for the Rights of Ill

The denunciation of this situation, which mainly penalizes patients suffering from chronic diseases having to take more drugs, comes from a study carried out by the Court Cittadinanzattiva for the rights of the patient . The survey specifically saw the involvement of the Regions, especially the Departments of Health and the health workers. In particular, the thirteen Regions that responded to this questionnaire are more focused on family physicians, specialists, pharmacists and nurses to improve adherence to therapies, particularly for chronic patients. It appears then that no region considers it a priority to encourage the family and the professional caregiver whereas only some, such as Friuli Venezia Giulia, Molise and Trento, invest to strengthen the role of patient badociations.

In general, there is still a tendency to give little importance to information with brochures or tutorials. This is a decisive point because a patient who is sufficiently informed about his pathology is more aware of the treatment and therefore of the drugs that are administered to him.

There are some reasons that may cause patients to not follow the treatment properly. medical prescriptions. For example, this can happen in the case of patients who are chronically ill and therefore need to take more medication, or when there is a misunderstanding of the therapy [VIDEO] to follow, or when the treatment is n It does not bring the benefits you expect. Based on these data, national coordinator Tonino Aceti explains that it is necessary to implement the National Chronicity Plan in a timely manner as it provides organizational guidance to the regions to facilitate compliance.

This article has been verified with:

  • http://www.ansa.it/cbade_saluteebenessere/notizie/medicina/2018/07/18/fino-a-un-farmaco-su-2-e-badunto-male-195.000-morti-in-ue_a671e635 -be0a-40ad-a8a1-ea1c8256bd09.html
  • https://salute.ilmessaggero.it/medicina/un_farmaco_su_2_e_preso_male_195_000_morti_in_europa-3863098.html https://www.wired.it/scienza/medicina/2018/07/18/ drug-hired-error-death /

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