Who's afraid of the violin spider?


  Spider violin

In the last days, the spider has been the violin in the limelight for causing quite a bit of trouble to different citizens in the southern Rome region.

It can be confused with a trivial mosquito or an insect bite.

Talking to the Messenger Mrs. Isabelle who says: was a bad misfortune, I always bear the consequences. I did not notice anything, I thought I had a mosquito. And instead . Indeed, in the days that followed, he gradually felt pain and then a feeling of blurred vision. From there the hospital to receive proper care

The violin spider, Loxosceles rufescens the scientific name, one of the spiders considered of toxicological interest in Italy

explains Prof. Dr. Catera Grbadi, Head of the UOD Clinical Toxicology – Anti-Poison Center (CAV) and Antidroga of the Policlinico Umberto I of Rome . Therefore, it is a venomous spider.

But to talk about sudden infestation improper. The violin spider, as explained by the expert, is also found in Italy and Lazio. Cases like this have always referred to poison centers. An alarmism, therefore, unjustified.

Identikit of the violin spider

How to recognize it

His body, excluding paws, about 7-10 mm. yellowish-brownish, with a darker spot on the cephalothorax and slightly lighter legs than the rest of the body. Unlike other arachnids, it only has 6 eyes divided into three pairs. The name because of the presence on the cephalothorax of a darker stain-like fiddle (as shown in Figure 1). However, the form of "violin" is not always well defined and sometimes does not seem exactly like the musical instrument.

Dove Vivid

Lives in a dry, dark and uncrowded environment of houses (like cupboards, cupboards, cupboards, stacks of wood), has a mainly nocturnal activity

Aggression of the spider

Tenders generally to avoid contact with humans, therefore, the bite a rare, accidental, due to a defensive reaction

The bite of the violin spider: what are the symptoms?

Sometimes you do not even notice that you have been bitten and the initial symptoms are common to many other insect bites. However, after a few hours, the first characteristic symptoms appear and, if you do not see a doctor on time, the situation can be complicated until you have to ask for the patient's admission. Let us explain to you by the Poison Center experts what the peculiarities and symptoms of the spider bite are after a while.

After a few minutes

The spider injects poison through the chelicerae. appendages, part of the oral appliance), causing burning pain in the subject (burning sensation) after about ten minutes of bite

The type of lesions shown in the two images in the gallery at the end of the article, as well as the burning sensation, are due to the cytolytic toxins contained in the poison

In the first 12 hours after the bite

Within the next 12 hours forms a central vesicular lesion surrounded by a whitish halo with annular bruise (Figure 2).

After 1 to 3 days

After an additional 24 to 72 hours, the lesion may progress to a necrotic ulcer (Figure 3).

In some cases it may occur nonspecific systemic symptomatology:

  • malaise,
  • fever,
  • chills,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • myalgia

Can he there are complications?

Violin spider bites are due to possible wound infection and systemic involvement of hemolysis and renal insufficiency, rare

What to do in case of bite

  • "We recommend to clean and disinfect lesion site and perform local antibiotic therapy
  • In the case, however, an evolution of the lesion or systemic symptoms apparent is desirable for first aid where tetanic coverage of the subject and the opportunity will be evaluated for systemic antibiotic therapy

For further information, contact H 24 at the Center for Clinical Toxicology, Poison Control and Anti-Drug UOD of the Hospital o University Policlinico Umberto I of Rome: tel. +39 06 49978000.

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