The journalist criticizes the digital entrepreneur
The marriage is getting closer and closer to Chiara Ferragni and Fed in a month will come so long in Sicily, to Noto. Preparations continue and the stories on Instagram, the couple is counting down in his own way. But speaking of accounts, we are not talking about costs and numbers, but accounts that the digital entrepreneur has to do with the criticism of a journalist pen: Selvaggia Lucarelli . ] Il Fatto quotidiano the journalist had to tell him about the bachelorette party that Ferragni celebrated a few days ago and also of a controversy born of a title written on Corriere della Sera who, posting a photo of his girlfriend with his friends, described them as "round and happy" .
The journalist writes:
She who exhibited for years a body of a thinness that often alarmed the press and the fans and this thinness has so far made his obsession to respond to a stupid commentator who pointed out to him a hint of belly: "I gave birth 5 months ago", not "Who cares if I have a belly!". She who made the perfect selfie (legitimately) the stuff. In short, a journalist who should write costumes and focus on swimsuits, dieting and becoming a champion of real girls, fans who ask the journalist not to hate and become the hateful journalist. It must have been a bachelorette party. That was a goodbye to consistency
Chiara Ferragni again? "Never resort to surgery"
Chiara Ferragni is a little nervous for a few weeks before her wedding with Fedez: "a small but intimate ceremony but it will represent us 100%"
Lucarelli continues tirelessly, focusing on the predictable media echo that will have the event in the days that will lead to the wedding of Chiara Ferragni and Fedez:
In short, thanks to the magic touch of the influencer, Noto will pbad from the capital of Baroque to the capital of the tarot . Ignoring the news would be a good idea, if it was not that Ferragni organized a bachelorette party in Ibiza that had a much higher media coverage than the World Cup.
At this moment no response to criticism by Ferragni, who, however, has already had the opportunity to respond to what was written by Corriere della Sera and then to this "round" which left a trail of controversy not indifferent. 19659016] // new FbManager
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d & # 39; other
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& # 39; & # 39 ;, Get
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other {
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" Remove ",
function (answer) {
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_p.console.log (response.error.message);
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