William and Harry remember Mother Diana, who would have been 57


This is Remembrance Day for William and Harry of England . On 1 July 2018 Diana Spencer tragically missing in the summer of 1997, reportedly 57 years old. And the beloved children, now respectively 36 and 33, will obviously not be able to do without a remembrance. The two brothers, very close to each other, will honor him privately. As every year, in fact, no public event is planned

The only exception was in 2017, the twentieth anniversary of the disappearance of the princess of the people.

On August 31 and in the days before, the principles had opened up in public as never before ("We have never spoken so deeply of it before and we have not been there before. intention to do it again in the future "), unveiling novel anecdotes of the relationship with Lady D. childhood. Then, commemorate her in the gardens of Kensington Palace dedicated to her. In fact, a section of the park had been decorated with 12,000 white flowers for the important anniversary. These arose and on May 19 were also included in the bouquet of Meghan Markle, the day of their marriage with Harry. To make sure that, even absent, Diana occupied a special place. Like the desire of the sons.


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The relationship between William, Harry and Mother Diana has always been special . As confirmed by the documentary HBO, entitled Diana, our mother: her life and her heritage, was aired last summer, to commemorate the 20 years since the tragic death. In the clip, nephews of Queen Elizabeth had long talked about the sense of humor of Lady D, calling a very funny mother. The three of them sang together in the Enya car, she slipped candies and sweets under the shirts. "All I hear is his laugh in the head that kind of crazy laugh that was the pure happiness drawn on his face.He always told me" you can be so disobedient that you want, as long as you do not get caught, "recalls Harry William, on the other hand, had told the time when, at the age of 13 he went home from school and found Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, and Christy Turlington only to see them on the posters in the room: "I became red, I did not know what to say. "

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William and Harry, last call of Diana

The two had not neglected even the very dark years, following his disappearance in the crash unfortunately mortal in the tunnel of Alma in Paris. "After the death of my mother, I buried all emotion," Harry had said. And like his brother, the future king of England: "It took me twenty years to talk openly about her." And today, Will is also talking to her son. In George, almost 5 years, in Charlotte, almost 3, and soon also in Louis, two months, likes to say that grandmother would have been, wonderful and a little crazy: "He would have liked the kids to be crazy, but it would have been a nightmare. Probably, it would have happened at bath time, it would have made a mess with the soap bubbles, soapy water finished everywhere and then it would have disappeared. "Smiling, of course."


Harry and William big brothers in the sign of Diana

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