"With Alessia Preti, intimacy is very good"


A few weeks after the end of the last edition of Big Brother [VIDEO] Alessia Preti and Matteo Gentili continue to continue to attract the attention of fans and the press. Indeed, after meeting and falling in love in the most spied house in Italy, both young people try to make their relationship work in real life. Precisely of this and of the way their relationship unfolds, the couple spoke in the last few hours in a long interview with the weekly "Vero". But let's see what surprises Matteo and Alessia will have in their statements

The unexpected agreement

In the last few hours, Alessia Preti and Matteo Gentili have published some statements to the weekly [VIDEO] "Vero" in which they spoke for the first time. time of their relationship and intimacy.

The two youngsters also told their fans for the first time that they had found themselves very well in front of Casa del Gf and that they had not been there before. virtually never separated from the end of reality. In addition, Matteo also added that he and Alessia have a lot of understanding under the sheets and that intimacy with her is very good. Preti even joked that he wanted to wear white socks to diminish the attraction Matteo feels towards him.

However, in the interview, the two young people did not limit themselves to describing the physical part of their relationship, but they also spoke of the feelings that one feels towards the other person. . It must be said that neither of them wanted to unbalance, declaring to be in love with each other, but both admitted to having tried something really strong and important for the partner.

A heavy ex

Obviously in the above quoted interview Matthew and Alessia also spoke of the ancient shipwreck of the island of the famous, Paola Di Benedetto declaring that for the moment the memory of her does not affect her relationship in any way. Matteo also added that if by chance one day her story with Alessia was to end, that would certainly not happen because of Paola. Alessia for her part said confidently that she does not fear the shadow of Di Benedetto in his love affair with Matteo. In addition, the Preti also added at the end of the interview that his mother and father adore Matteo and have very willingly agreed in the family.

This article has been verified with:

  • http://www.tgcom24.mediaset.it/televisione/speciale-grande-fratello-15/-grande-fratello-15-pbadione-alle-stelle-per-alessia-e-matteo-sotto-le- sheets-this-molto-intesa-_3148932-201802a.shtml
  • https://www.ilmessaggero.it/societa/persone/grande_fratello_alessia_prete_matteo_gentili-3826514.html

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