World Brain Day: Pollution Damage


Air pollution has negative effects on health, it is known. About 9 million people die each year from diseases badociated with air pollution. "Cleaning the air we breathe would help prevent various serious and common neurological diseases." To support it, the World Federation of Neurology, which has chosen to dedicate 2018 World Brain Day, to the negative impact of air pollution on brain health.

#WorldBrainDay is taking place this Sunday, July 22 – what will you do? #CleanAir for #BrainHealth
Get Involved –

– WFN (@wfneurology) July 17, 2018

Every year, on July 22, the World Federation of Neurology celebrates the World Brain Day (World Brain Day). A brain health awareness initiative in 120 organizations. This year the day is dedicated to air pollution: "A study conducted by the Global Burden of Disease, involving an international team from 188 countries, showed that up to 30% of cases of Strokes are caused by atmospheric contamination – explained Mohammad Wasay responsible for the day – that's why we chose to devote the day to pollution. "

A real threat to health continues to grow, as shown by data from the World Health Organization (WHO) released in May, which show that 90% of the world's population breathes fresh air. polluted air

• A PROBLEM SOLVING [19659008] But it is not too late yet. Decisive changes could significantly reduce the risks that lead to a deterioration of brain health. "We must take social measures to prevent the neurological disorders caused by pollutants, especially when they are caused by humans, which are important risk factors for blood vessel diseases and diseases. neurodegenerative diseases ". Wolfgang Grisold Secretary General of the Federation – this threat to public health requires effective environmental and health policy strategies to reduce air pollution. Not only about the same lung health that makes us human: our brain. "

STATUS: Pollution, Study Reveals:" Possible Cause of Diabetes "

In recent years, scientists have conducted research in which they have badyzed the neurological effects of air pollution. "Pollutants enter the body through the respiratory tract and food, causing inflammatory reactions and reaching the brain through circulation. blood or respiratory tract, which can also damage the gut microbiota and brain "- Jacques Reis head of the research team e applied to the environmental neurology of the Federation. There are many possible diseases that can be developed: diabetes, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular problems, damage to blood vessels and brain cells. In addition, preliminary studies indicate that pollutants could cause degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. However, this has yet to be confirmed by other studies.

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