Yankees calm at the deadline but may lose J.A. Happ temporarily


"We are in a fluid situation," he said. "Interesting press conference of commercial deadlines, is not it?"

Before the announcement of Happ's illness, it seemed that the Yankees' deadline for 2018 trading would be a day without news of news

they finished trading for the moment, even without having acquired an outfielder to fill the void left when Aaron Judge entered the list of injured with a broken wrist Thursday. They had acquired Happ to consolidate their rotation and Lynn to add a long bullpen to their paddock as a result of Adam Warren's Monday night trade with the Seattle Mariners in exchange for an international signing bonus.

disappointed that the Yankees did not make a "big surprise" at the deadline, Cashman said: "It does not have to be splashy."

Manager Aaron Boone called the deadline "Strong" team exchanges.

"I feel like Cash and the front office is out and brought us significant pieces to finish our club and put We are able to finish what has been the beginning of a very good season for us, "said Boone. "We are delighted with the moves we have made, we think we are a better club."

Happ's performance on Sunday, allowing the Royals to make three hits in the first six rounds from a victory of the Yankees 6-3, seemed to consolidate his place in a rotation. this, apart from Luis Severino and Masahiro Tanaka, has been fragile for much of the season. And Severino fighting recently, the acquisition of Happ took on greater importance.

But now, with 35-year-old southpaw status uncertain, Lynn, a former All-Star who won 18 games for the St. Louis Cardinals in 2012, can take on a bigger role. Originally, the Yankees intended to see him badume Warren's role in their paddock while performing an occasional start. Starting Tuesday's game against the Baltimore Orioles, the Yankees will face a score of consecutive games as well as a double make-up program against the Orioles in Baltimore on August 25th.

"We had to determine if we could import some one that might be available in case we needed more launch launch, plug and play, or get out of the pen with more length," said Cashman: "Lance Lynn checks these boxes."

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