"Yes, I am noble." Lite with Patrizia De Blanck


Daniela Del Secco, the Marquise of Aragon

ROME – Daniela Del Secco from Aragon, or La Marchesa del GF, has joined Domenica Live's study in a car. During the last episodes, Barbara D & # 39; Urso met many guests on the theme of the noble title of the Marquise. Many according to who it would be wrong. Also, Patrizia De Blanck according to which to suggest to Daniela Del Secco to present herself with a noble title would be Marina Ripa di Meana.

Before entering the studio, also Andrea Cardella, adopted son of Marina Ripa di Meana: "With me, my adoptive mother has never called Marchesa, but always Dani. Daniela has a very good range of creams, she gave them to me too. When Marina could not have her mbadeuse, Daniela sometimes did her mbadages. "

Upon entering the workshop, the Marquis says that she is not surprised by the absence of people willing to defend her – "When there is no fault, why?" should we defend ourselves? " – and immediately launch his first attack against Patrizia De Blanck. When Barbara D'Urso says "Countess De Blanck", Daniela Del Secco interrupts it, saying that she's not counted: "I've brought you the world's greatest expert in heraldry, you will see ".

Then, seeing the videos in which Patrizia De Blanck accuses him, Daniela Del Secco declares: "I would have liked you to sing my acts inside Big Brother, it was a subject of contention. If I had a little skeleton in the closet, I would never have gone to Big Brother's house.I went there because I have nothing to fear.I am the Marquise of Aragon. I admit it in front of the world, this thing is certified, nobody can deny it ".
To the statements of Patrizia De Blanck, the Marchesa responds:
"I have a degree in aesthetics, I love beauticians, the beautician is for me as the doctor is the nurse. Honor to those who work. I had a wonderful aesthetic medicine studio in Milan. In Catanzaro, when I married Antonio, we took a small palace. His family is very rich. He is a baron. I was born noble, baroness, I can guarantee it. My life was happy until I was home with mom and dad. At weddings, I've always had the urge of my mother-in-law, even my children. "
The Marquise has been married three times. The brother of the first husband Antonio Saverio declares that Daniela Del Secco was never noble and that his father was a tram driver.
And she answers, "Xavier graduated, he did this graduation party, my parents came in. There was an official lunch, my father gave him the watch, as was used in those cases." at Saverio's father, who weighed gold with his hands, my father was a great officer, he found himself at the end of the war, he lost everything to provide for the family, he went into a street company for a while, from the humblest work that he was, even though he was noble. "
The marriage with Antonio Saverio did not last long. The Marchesa launches very heavy accusations: "After three years, she developed a syndrome, I slept with a man I loved and who was holding a knife in the bed." For a moment, he did not throw Ludovica downstairs. Once, at one point, he closed down his family and did not even go to his mother's funeral.These gentlemen say things against me because I know something about them. We have not seen each other for thirty years, they are exhumed for a hint of popularity, everyone wants to climb into the basket of the Marchesa ". Adds an arrow pointing to Maria Monsè: "If there had not been this modification with me, the lady who is now at Big Brother, who is being canceled, would never Entrance".
Then the message to the audience: "I know you like me as much, whether it's Marchesa or a little match girl, but I'm Marchesa".
And Daniela Del Secco launches accusations to several: "For each of you, I prepare the dish.Venge is served cold.I do not give discounts or prisoners."
Then we move on to the story of the second marriage.
"Antonio and I were married a year old.I had lost my mother, his mother was very kind.He was a baron, I was already a baroness of birth.I was not not yet Marchesa, I did not know it, I was told later, we left on September 19, 1999. He did not divorced me, but it is there that I am going to Marchesa, if she presents herself as president of the United States, has made fleas worse than Trump. "And immediately after the announcement, addressed to the public, says:" Applaud. "
Daniela Del Secco behaves like a "director". He gets up, asks the camera to speak directly to the audience at home, approaches to take the first floor and uses the video to attack those who have accused and badped Riccardo Signoretti: "The public is making fun of you, Have compbadion on you right now, but my lawyers will not have compbadion on you. I'm back and now it's time to move. " Barbara D & Urso lets her do it and then hugs her. Daniela Del Secco continues: "Do I live in a two-room apartment?" I live in a very prestigious house, he will answer the lawyers, he has poured mud on my family and me. "

L & # 39; expert. "Daniela Del Secco is Marchesa of Aragon for personal identification, he is also Marchesa certified because he has cleverly filed the Marchesa trademark of "Aragona".
The heraldic expert, brought to the studio on Sunday live from Daniela Del Secco, close the "case" Marchesa.
"Daniela Del Secco is Marchesa because the whole world knows her as Marchesa," repeats the expert.
"So – question Barbara D & Urso – if my pizzaiolo Pino decides that he is counted and that those who enter his pizzeria appear under the name of Count Pino and that everyone calls him so, is he counted for a personal identification? ".
"Yes, meets the man, but the pizzeria remains Accountant at the local level, it is a public figure".

Daniela Del Secco claims to be noble from birth: "I remember a family tree that my father had lost in the war.I did research in a heraldic center, forty years ago, they found the emblem .I am noble, who is less than a baroness. "

Last updated: 18:33 © RESERVED COPY

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