yes to pasta and bread


The low calorie diet can make you lose weight a few pounds However eat a variety of foods. The one week program also includes pasta consumption two days a week and bread only for lunch on days when you do not eat pasta, if your body mbad index indicates a high overweight.

But let's see what the menu of a week provides. Breakfast may vary daily. Here are some examples: coffee, tea, green tea or barley (with just a teaspoon of sugar), with 2 normal or complete rusks or skimmed milk with 2 normal or full rusks or a jar of yogurt with 2 normal rusks or whole or orange juice (100 grams) with 2 normal or complete rusks. Ditto for the mid-morning snack and afternoon snack, here are some examples: a low-fat yogurt jar, a seasonal fruit, carrots or fennel. Now let's see what we eat for lunch and dinner on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: lunch with vegetables (50/70 grams) or meat or fish (100 grams) and side dishes with raw or cooked vegetables and a slice of wholemeal bread, about 40 grams. . Dinner: 100 grams of fish or meat, a mixed salad and 30 grams of wholemeal bread.

Tuesday and Thursday: Lunch with 50 grams of pasta or rice and a portion of cooked or raw vegetables (salad). Dinner: 100 grams of fish or white meat, a portion of steamed vegetables and a slice of wholemeal bread. When you start a diet, it is important to exercise each day or walk for at least 35 740 minutes. Being a type weight loss diet and not developed on one person, we recommend that you always do it in all diets published on our website to consult your family doctor or specialist before starting any dietary regimen.

This scheme it is not suitable for people with diabetes, other diseases and pregnant women. It is important to consult a specialist before starting a diet that, remember, should be prepared based on the physical constitution of the person and the lifestyle that is conducted.

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