Ylenia Carrisi, after 24 years a breakthrough for the daughter of Al Bano


Is the case of Ylenia Carrisi reopened? The turning point of the daughter of Al Bano Carrisi and Romina Power, who disappeared 24 years ago, could be significant. Ylenia had disappeared on December 31, 1993 in New Orleans, where she had gone with her family: apparently, she had talked with Dad and since then his tracks have been lost. The last phone calls with Ylenia Carrisi go back a few days before the disappearance: the first of January 1994 and the day before when father and daughter had led a lively discussion. Ylenia is last seen on January 6th by the hotel owner, when the girl leaves her belongings. Although Carrisi and Alexander Masakela shared the same hotel room, Masakela did not report his disappearance. The latter stays at the hotel until 14 January and tries to pay the hotel with the tourist checks of the same Ylenia. For these reasons, Masekela is the first suspect. (Continue reading after the picture)

When interviewed by the American police, Alexander says that he has never had bad with the girl and that he does not have bad with him. has no idea where it is, but it is sure that Ylenia is alive. All the clues, however, bear the name of Albert Cordona, the night watchman of the Audubon Acquarium of the Americas, the last person according to Albano, who would have seen his daughter that night. The man claims to have seen a blonde girl throw herself into Mississippi and shout "I'm in the water" just before disappearing forever in the water, a phrase that has often repeated Ylenia as a child , according to his father Al Bano. Even several years after the disappearance of several hypotheses were advanced on the death of Ylenia Carrisi, including that according to which the girl left voluntarily. The parents did not stop believing the guilt of the trumpet player and in 2014 Al Bano, after a memory of two years, had a document attesting to the presumed death of his first child. (Continue reading after photo)

In 1993, investigations resumed and it is believed that Ylenia is in a Greek Orthodox monastery in Phoenix, Arizona. Just when it was believed to be close to the truth, the statements of a serial killer put on alert. According to a 1996 confession of serial killer Keith Hunter Jesperson, better known as Happy Face Killer, Carrisi would be one of his victims. Ylenia was reportedly attacked and killed while hitchhiking. The identification of Ylenia Carrisi in the alleged victim however produces negative results. It seems however that several girls have disappeared in the region and one wonders why the investigations are not conducted, not only for the daughter of Albano Carrisi and Romina Power, but also for other young people. (Continue reading after the picture)

Not only the trace of the serial killer: there are those who are willing to swear to know where the girl has lived all this time away from Romina and Albano and the rest of his family. According to detective statements from the New Orleans Police Homicide Team. "Ylenia Carrisi is alive, we have new clues as to where she is, but we can not provide more details because the investigation is still ongoing." The statement, published in recent days by the police department of the American city, could give an answer and hope to parents, sisters and brother of Ylenia.

The love of Romina. It's been 25 years since Ylenia disappeared, but Power does not give up

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