Ylenia Carrisi, the case of the disappearance is reopened: Al Bano and Romina hope


The case Ylenia Carrisi could reopen. After the Brindisi Court declared the presumed death of the daughter of Al Bano and Romina Power news coming from the United States arrives that could call into question its disappearance . The New Orleans police took a DNA sample from the girl's corpse with a backpack on her back that was hitchhiking to Nevada and that we believed to be Ylenia. After comparison with that provided by the Carrisi family, there seems to be no comparison. She would not be the victim of the serial killer who claimed to have killed a hitchhiker matching the idiom of Ylenia.

Ylenia Carrisi today: returning in the investigation?

The daughter of Al Bano and Romina disappeared in New Orleans the night of December 31, 1993. Since then, her tracks have been lost. The power has never stopped looking for it. "Ylenia is somewhere, I know," he said recently in The Interview by Maurizio Costanzo. "I want you to circulate his image, his face, because if you are somewhere, you can recognize it, it may happen that some people see him in the street, Ylenia may have lost all memory."

  Ylenia Carrisi
Ylenia Carrisi with Al Bano and Romina (photo: Instagram @socialchannel)

Ylenia Carrisi, Masakela the culprit

The girl housed in a hotel with Alexander Masakela a Trumpet player who, questioned by the police, said with certainty that he did not know where he was, but that he was certainly alive. Masakela is an ambiguous character: violent with women (narrated by his ex-wife), he was surprised by the credit card of Ylenia shortly after his disappearance. He was the last to see her alive before the investigation showed her to a Greek Orthodox convent in Phoenix, Arizona, and the young serial killer made his statements. Al Bano, in a recent interview with Oggi defined the disappearance of the girl as "the greatest pain of my life" and closed the door hoping to see her again: "I know that she is in heaven and she will reach ".

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