"You are donkeys and peasants." Ira Semprini on Facebook Video


Brawl at the Live Life Summer. During the transmission conducted by Gianluca Semprini and Ingrid Muccitelli, we talk about the recent conviction of the Supreme Court that there would be no aggravation if the rape victim got drunk. Invited in the connection Vittorio Feltri .

Libero's editor would have been furious at being interrupted during his speech and would have strongly attacked the drivers: "Let me finish for D **, because you ask me if you do not want my answers But go bless yourself, I'm not in this idiot game … I argue and you break the p *** … You're impolite, peasant, unable to do your stupidity.You are donkeys … Felt would have disappeared

Facebook the answer of Semprini : "Since you ask me a lot, I would like to point out that, for how much one can be interrupted or not, when one intervenes on television public, one does not blaspheme, one does not insult, especially a lady, and so, who is it kindly rejected? "


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