"You can not know the relationship I have with my son"


This is certainly not a good time for Elena Santarelli who had to deal with the health problems of her son Giacomo, born from the relationship with Bernardo Corradi. James has a brain disease and for that he is forced to undergo very strong and debilitating therapies. In the last hours, the old valletta of The Eredità wanted to answer a user on Social who accused her of having put in the street and at the telly [VIDEO] for no reason, the problems of his

Elena Santarelli responds to the criticism of Social

Elena Santarelli responded to the user, explaining that before making the disease public on social media and on TV [VIDEO] she asked permission from her son Giacomo.

The latter, who is only 9 years old, has been battling a brain tumor for months. To the question "Why do you publish the serious situation of your child? This is not right for him, Santarelli replied, no one can know the relationship between her and her son. In addition, the wife of Bernardo Corradi, also added that he had asked for the opinion of his son before going on to the TV show Verissimo da Silvia Toffanin . But not only. Even when he posted the post to invite everyone to buy eggs to help with the search, he first asked permission for his son. Giacomo, according to his mother, is aware that some messages can help cancer research

The optimism remains

Santarelli, until now, had not explained the details of the disease.

A few days ago, however, he decided to reveal more details, explaining that the disease had hit the brain. The little Giacomo occupies himself and tries every way to fight to overcome this difficult moment, helped by a team of very competent doctors. Beside him, there are always parents. Despite the conditions of the child are not simple, Elena Santarelli explained that James has a very positive attitude and is happy, despite everything continues not to lose heart, run and laugh, As all children are luckier than him

Although this is a very difficult hurdle to overcome, Elena said that she was always positive and said, "We are grateful for what we have. Sooner or later, this chapter will end positively. We just want little Giacomo to recover as soon as possible so that we can turn the page and forget that ugly parenthesis of his life.

This article has been verified with:

  • https://www.gossip.it/news/elena-santarelli-figlio-malattia-permesso-news.html
  • http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/spettacoli/elena-santarelli-zittisce -haters-non-live-house-my-and-no-1552486.html

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