You come back to laugh with Zalone, Sica-Boldi's friends as before


The Italians first. It is in the spirit of the time that the list of awards Medusa 2018-2019, presented yesterday at Villa Spalletti Trivelli, next to the Quirinale. In fact, only Italian titles are planned to bring our star system to the screen.

With three pieces of ninety: in the front row, Checco Zalone, waited in February 2019, preceded by the expected return of Boldi & De Sica, who in Friends as before should fail Christmas box office. On November 29, Leonardo Pieraccioni will be on the track with the family of comedy Se his rose (we reported from the series). Comedy stands out on genres, even though Edoardo De Angelis' vice of hope points to the drama (after the success of Indivisibili ) and aspires to Venice, while the labyrinth signed Donato Carrisi, put on the thriller: Toni Servillo and the lost girls. Giampaolo Letta, CEO of Medusa, has clearly shown the disaffection of the Italian public for the national cinema. Although 50 of the 200 films reported one million euros and 20, more than 200 products a year, exceeded 2 million. "We believe in Italian films. Compared to previous years, our films suffer more than US stocks. But we have the ambition to find the right movie for all genres. It's a tough time, but we bet on our products, "says Letta. According to which, the real scourge would be the poor writing skills of writers. "We process hundreds of scripts, but we read drafts that do not convince: it lacks a good level of writing. Miss the rules of the script, "reports the name of Medusa, remembering the time of the collective scenarios, when Suso Cecchi and Monicelli spent hours together, with wonderful results.At today, all the world cultivates its own mediocre orchard Solitaire

But let's get to the news For the first time, finally, Michaela Ramazzotti will not make her mother mourning, but a cradle discouraged by I present you Sofia Guido Chiesa: Fabio de Luigi, struggling with the beautiful Erinni, will pretend not to be a father, just to rebadure her The joker De Luigi reappears in another family film, 10 days without the mother Alessandro Genovesi: how does an occupied father manage to get out of it, if his mother gives both of them? Paolo Genovese, on the contrary, strong in the film-event Perfect aliens – Carlo Rossella tells that he has taqui born Weinstein for this Columbus egg, a film about mobile phones and their secrets, seen and sold in more than 50 countries -, is at work on a top-secret comedy. Meanwhile, in the early scenes of Amici as before – directed by De Sica; subject and scenario of Fausto Brizzi Boldi can be seen trapping, from behind, in a boat on Lake Como, even on the Titanic, friend Christian, disguised as a woman to survive. "How do you feel, wind?" Boldi said, hung. "Ah, and he's calling the wind?", Replies the fake her, as a caregiver. Ancient and healthy comedy and set up at Villa Gernetto, where the liberal university promised by Berlusconi had to get up. There are no remakes like Bugiardi (see French ): Giampaolo Morelli and Herbert Ballerina argue that the best truth is to lie. And if the Netflix competition is urgent, the cinema will not die. This is certainly Letta, citing the example of generalist television. Date of death, but still there.

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