Young mother is in danger of dying because of an inner towel


Amanda Stanley, a young mother aged 37 of Mbadachusets in the United States was at risk of dying because of an insignificant internal absorbent . Precisely because of what happened to her, she decided to tell her story with a long interview with The Mirror so that these things do not happen to other women.

Ad Amanda, in fact, a streptococcal infection was originally diagnosed and precisely for this reason was hospitalized with the diagnosis of toxic shock syndrome . Despite all the care of the case, however, the doctors could not understand the reason for this bacterium but were in fact the same Stanley to understand what was going on when, going to the bathroom, he found on the toilet paper the last part of the absorbent interno.

The woman, during her interview, said that she woke up one morning in the throes of fever and vomiting and immediately went to the doctor. After a careful visit, she was admitted to the hospital but the doctors said that if she had waited for the others 24 hours she would surely have died.

Amanda she feels very lucky and, precisely for this reason, decided to publicly tell her story in order to help other women who might be in the same situation: "I felt good the day before and had spent the day running with my two children, but when I woke up this Friday, I had to call their father and ask him to pick them up because I knew I was too sick to take care of them. "

Not a day goes by how lucky she was to notice this little piece of tampon and having had all care in due time. Now the young mother is out of danger and will only have to undergo very long cycles of antibiotics which will help her regain her sixth window

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