YOUng | Well-being and daily complements


Today, we are witnessing more and more of a trend, taking care of ourselves with so many measures that can make us achieve a result: to age without aging. We all want a qualitatively high standard of living, and if any help can come from supplements that have this effect, why abandon it?

Feeding properly, countering stress and unproductive hormonal changes, periodic diagnostic tests These are just some of the cornerstones of all these areas ( Anti-Aging, Daily Well-Being, Functional Integration , Genetic Integration, Weight Control) to minimize functional damage related to the natural aging process. In our society, degenerative diseases are developing with dizzying rhythms and it is becoming more and more necessary to adopt a lifestyle that grows in the direction of strengthening all the individual functional abilities throughout of life. Like, how? Through detoxification, the increase of immune defenses, inflammation, contrast of joint pain and plasma cholesterol levels, the well-being of the cardiovascular system.

All Objectives That DNA SOLUTIONS Proposes to Achieve Through the Supply of Unique Formulations, Designed to Make the Most of the Use of Supplements specific

We talked about it with Giuliana Soda partner and product promoter DNA SOLUTIONS .


Why own DNA SOLUTIONS? What distinguishes your products in the tide of the offers that are offered to us daily and for which there is often no difficulty?

The formulations of DNA SOLUTIONS have a physiological function and are designed to: promote the regular performance of the functions of the body, without any purpose of healing. The production takes place mainly in Italian workshops, with certified raw materials of excellent quality.
The integration of one's diet is fundamental because it is estimated that about half the risk of contracting chronic degenerative diseases depends on genetic factors and therefore escapes individual control, while the other half can be controlled by individual and environmental behaviors.
Indeed, eating properly is becoming more and more difficult because of the pace of work, the meals consumed in the tables, methods of production, conservation and food processing. All this generates a significant loss of "nutrients" contained in the foods we consume. The targeted use of the supplements thus makes it possible to avoid important deficiencies for the health of our cells.

We hear more and more often about Nutraceuticals and Nutragenomics, also named on your site. What are they? What effects do they have?

Nutraceutica (from "nutrition" + "pharmaceutical") studies the beneficial function that many foods have on human health. A nutraceutical is a "food-drug" that is a healthy food that badociates with its nutritional components the healing properties of natural active ingredients extracted from plants of proven and recognized efficacy

Nutrigenomica is rather a science that manages to combine genetics with nutrition, trying to play an active preventive role, in defense of the body. Over the last decade, studies and research in the nutrigenomics field have multiplied, through the development of genetic tests to reveal mutations, responsible for some of the most common and serious diseases, such as diabetes, diabetes, and diabetes. 39, hypercholesterolemia, food intolerance and cancer, but also by a careful study of the benefits that certain categories of foods bring if they are introduced preferentially into the diet.

One of your flagship products is the Reishi, one of the most powerful antioxidants. What is it and for whom is it indicated?

Reishi is a mushroom that grows in the oak and chestnut forests of China and is one of the ten natural substances with higher therapeutic qualities. Contains: vitamin B, 17 amino acids, copper, zinc, iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, potbadium and finally germano, which justifies most of its beneficial effects on health.
Reishi improves memory and intellectual capacity, alleviates the body and increases agility, has a hepatoprotective, immunomodulatory and antiallergic action. Numerous scientific studies have recognized the effectiveness of the use of Reishi in the treatment of thyroid disorders, type 2 diabetes mellitus, tumors, hepatitis B, leukemia, seizures heart and various other diseases.

It's not always easy to control your blood sugar levels, especially in diabetics. Which product does DNA SOLUTIONS offer in this respect?

The most common chronic complications of diabetes are vascular and ocular ( retinopathy ). Another complication is represented by diabetic nephropathy which affects the kidney to the point that it does not adequately filter the metabolic waste. Neuropathy is rather a disease of the nervous system that affects about 30% of diabetics. Finally, gestational diabetes that can cause birth defects to the fetus, should not be forgotten
hence the categorical imperative of a therapy that maintains normal blood glucose levels by avoiding fluctuations and hyperglycemic peaks. DNA SOLUTIONS proposes in this regard Glycemic Solutions a useful adjunct for the control of glucose, insulin and cholesterol levels, an aid to the suppression of l? appetite and muscular trophism.

The last two questions, but perhaps the most important ones: what is the level of security of your products? Do you use them?

Our supplements are excellent. DNA SOLUTIONS is also synonymous with innovation. In fact, specific genetic testing can be done, which helps us understand what we need to get better. This company has taught me that each of us needs different products to better feed our cells. I use the products and I have great benefits: they are natural, absolutely harmless and I highly recommend them to my friends.

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