YOUTUBE Aida Nizar, bathroom of the fountain on Navona Square


  YOUTUBE Aida Nizar, bath in the fountain of Piazza Navona. And the web is indignant

YOUTUBE Aida Nizar, bathroom in the fountain of Piazza Navona. And the web unworthy

ROME – Aida Nizar has not yet understood that it is not Anita Eckberg The Dolce Vita ] and she falls there: she takes a bath in another of the fountains of Rome, [App di Blitzquotidiano, gratis, clicca qui,- Ladyblitz clicca qui –Cronaca Oggi, App on Google Play] that of Piazza Navona. But web people do not like it

The former Spanish competitor of Great Fratello had dived a few days ago in the Trevi Fountain and had caught a fine of 450 euros . But he did it again Sunday night. This time in another fountain: the one created by Bernini in Piazza Navona

It does not pay, the Spanish was filmed in a video then posted on the web. This received a lot of negative comments. Lorenzo Farina, who uploaded the video on Facebook, wrote:

This video does not make me laugh a bit, actually. Our artistic heritage is not a decor at the mercy of a desperate poor looking for celebrity, no lords. This girl was recently fined for taking a bath in the Trevi Fountain, but last night, instead of staging the theater that became her trademark, she chose the Bernini 4 Rivers Fountain, a job so beautiful despite being surrounded by the wonder of Rome. Apart from "I love you, Italy loves me", Italy would send you to prison. Because beware, the vein of the spotlights turned on the first minecat that does something strange can become uncontrollable. We need exemplary and safe sanctions because it is likely that the message that any dead man looking for clicks can go diving into a piece of history causing damage to our heritage, which is one of the reasons the few things that remain. Exempt from everywhere, he really broke his bad.

Below the video of many comments of the same tenor:

I apologize to all the Spaniards for good. It's a human refusal … I'm sorry for real, I'm the first one to have never done anything like that and to say a little to the tourists when I see them go up to the fountains here at Rome,

someone writing. And another user, lapidary:

This is hospitalization …

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