Designed by American biochemist Barry Sears, the Zone Diet is a true lifestyle and allows you to enjoy physical and mental well-being. Here is how it works!
Barry Sears invented the zone diet, emphasizing a balance sufficient for the body to reach a state of psychophysical well-being. According to long studies conducted by Sears, the body must refer to a diet composed of 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fat . A diet that reduces body fat, increases defenses against cardiovascular, autoimmune and diabetes. That is why a way of life is defined as there are only a few sacrifices and acts on a physical, mental and healthy level
The Zone Diet was designed to give the body the right to sleep. 39 energy to better face the day without ever having hunger attacks: that is why you should always follow to the letter what the program requires to get a balanced weekly diet. Meals in total are 5 or 3 main and 2 snacks, and must be held every 5 hours. Consuming queens stimulate the production of "good" hormones, eliminating "bad" hormones for the body.
Example of Zone Diet
A Breakfast it is possible to drink 1 coffee accompanied by 4 oats The snack provides 125 gr of white yogurt Lunch can be eaten with 250 gr of swordfish, 250 gr of vegetables, 30 gr of bread and 1 fruit As snacks 100 gr of seasonal fruits and 20 gr of parmesan cheese. At dinner 120 gr of turkey, 150 gr of vegetables, whole bread 20 gr and 1 fruit
This is an example of a daily menu and as can be seen all kinds of food, such as vegetables, must always be weighed. If the program is not followed to the letter, the results will never be seen. In addition, let us not forget that to obtain excellent results, it is necessary to badociate good nutrition with frequent physical activity
Even a small outdoor race can be useful because it brings many benefits to our body …
Source of the photo: https://pixabay.com/it/yogurt-frutta-vaniglia-fragole-1442034/
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Last updated on: 12-07-2018
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