It's a boy! April the giraffe gives birth to a calf


(Photo: Animal Adventure Park)

TAMPA (WFLA) – Animal lovers around the world are gearing up for an exciting weekend on the occasion of St. Patrick's Day April, the giraffe gave birth to her baby giraffe at Animal Adventure Park Park in New York shortly before 1 pm Saturday afternoon.

Around 11:05, we could see a hoof. At 11:45, we could see two hooves. And April gave birth to a male calf around 12:40.

Many are probably wondering what to expect after his long-awaited birth. So we've compiled some facts about giraffe babies that will help you get to know the young calf as it grows up.

How big will the newborn be once it's born?

Well, according to Animal Planet, a giraffe calf is usually born weighing between 100 and 150 pounds and was 6 feet tall. The average gestation pregnancy period is 15 months, but April has been cooking her baby in the oven for 17 months now, two months after her scheduled date. This baby could come out pretty big.

How is the zoo prepared for its birth?

Zoo keepers typically work with giraffes for years to prepare them for birth by familiarizing them with the technology and devices used during delivery, which ensure the safety of the baby and the mother. Sometimes they use a restraint device (GRD), which keeps the giraffes in place for ultrasound and deliveries in case of emergency.

When do giraffes start to walk?

It takes about 30 minutes to an hour after birth so that a calf can stand up and walk. Their mobility is necessary to breastfeed their mother. In the first day, they should run.

What is the baby diet? And how long would they feed their mothers?

As mentioned earlier, a newborn giraffe starts breastfeeding from her mother shortly after birth. After four months, they begin to eat solid foods, such as leaves, and continue to breastfeed for 9 to 12 months. The weaning ages range from 6 to 17 months.

What are some other fun facts about giraffes?

  • There are 9 subspecies of giraffes, the most common being the Rothschilds.
  • Giraffes are herbivores whose diet consists mainly of leaves.
  • They need to drink water only once every two or three days because they are hydrated by the leaves.
  • Giraffes eat about 75 pounds of food each day
  • They only need 30 minutes to two hours of sleep a day
  • Giraffes can defend themselves against scary predators like lions with their very cajoled feet, but it does not appear that the April baby will end up in this situation one day.
  • They can operate at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour
  • Giraffes are the largest mammals in the world, reaching 20 feet tall.

You can follow the adventure of the birth of April in the live stream of Animal Adventure Park here.


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