It's A Boy Vs' The Duchess was issued from a son's son.


The choice of words in the Buckingham Palace tweet (Twitter: @RoyalFamily) to announce the royal arrival was simply majestic.

Unless you have been living under a rock these past few days, you would know that the world is now richer with a royal baby, born on May 6th from Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. And that the baby was born to their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Sussex at 5:26 am U.S., weighing 7 kg (3 kg). It is another thing that the press release of Buckingham Palace announcing the birth of the child and announcing that the Duchess had given birth had been published much later than 5:26 BST, but that was probably in accordance with the British protocol.

The choice of words in the Buckingham Palace tweet (Twitter: @RoyalFamily) to announce the royal arrival was simply majestic. "Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Sussex was delivered from a son at 5:26 am The baby weighs 7 pounds and the Duke of Sussex was present for the birth." If it does not tell you that this boy is seventh on the British throne, it probably will not do it. But you must also know this: the Sussex broke the royal protocol with the birth of the royal baby home, at Frogmore House – the couple's residence in Windsor – and not at the Lindo wing of the hospital St Mary, which is the traditional birthplace of British royal futures. since 1982, when Princess Diana gave birth to Prince William. In another deviation from the protocol, the couple announced the birth of the baby on social networks (Instagram address: sussexroyal) by displaying a platform-specific e-card and saying "It's Boy!". A few hours before the traditional ceremonial easel was placed in front of Buckingham Palace to inform royal subjects of the prince's arrival.

The contrast between the two ads – a phrase aged against a familiar expression – highlights the diversity of the royal wedding between a British prince and a Hollywood star. It is this contradiction that announces things to come. Welcome to this world, baby boy Sussex. Why do I call him baby boy Sussex? Because it has not been named yet – in accordance with the royal protocol.

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