It's impossible to tell how stupid this beef Adam Eaton – Todd Frazier has become stupid


Photo: Elsa (Getty), Sarah Stier (AP)

The 2016 White Sox were historically devastated. This is the team where Chris Sale was suspended for insubordination after literally cutting his uniforms during the practice of the batter before a start, so he does not have to wear one. It was the team that nearly suffered a mutiny and then a counter-mutiny because the 14-year-old son of Adam LaRoche was allowed to run wild in the clubhouse and was later not allowed. It is both a blessing and a curse that the shock waves from this team are still felt today.

But Something he went on this White Sox team, between Adam Eaton and Todd Frazier. Enough to make enemies for life and also giant babies. Something that has spilled over into the Nationals-Mets game on Monday night. Frazier took the high road – very temporarily, but Eaton opted for the ambiguous and small route, declaring, among other things: "I am a 30 year old man with two children.I have a mortgage and everything. he wants to speak loudly as he runs off the field, I have to be a man about it. "

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Adam Eaton discusses with Todd Frazier: "He is very childish"

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The whole thing was very impenetrable and also quite appropriate to be the main scenario of two perpetually decaying waste franchises of the head. The kind of beef that had to exist. It could not. But the question remains: why exactly do not these two baseball men like each other?

Quick fix: twentyfour guys. Drake LaRoche really knows it.

Frazier spent his pre-match media availability on Tuesday to fight back. Please enjoy this monologue that starts with the line that shrinks scrotum "At the end of the day, you think about what the man really is," said in an extreme Jersey accent.

D & # 39; agreement Todd first of allit may not be the best financial solution for Adam to repay, no matter how much his money. Given Eaton's revenues and trends since the recession, he has probably obtained a relatively low mortgage rate. Combine that with historical market gains, and it might be better to just invest your money and pay off your mortgage. In addition, a long-term fixed rate mortgage can be a good protection against inflation – and while inflation is low, it will certainly not be good for the rest of the Eaton mortgage, especially if it is at 30 years old. Only Eaton's accountant knows what suits him. Do not talk about another man's mortgage.

Ah, but it turns out that the joke has always been on us. Eaton already owns his house!

Even the most distant association with the 2016 White Sox is a little silly for us.


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