It's time to decorate your Steam library


Valve is testing a spectacular new look

Valve allowed me to see how many games remained intact and unloved in my old Steam library. With the beta version of today, Steam users can now choose to play with the new platform library interface, no doubt improved. It's a dramatic before-after.

My immediate reaction after installation? An "whoa" audible. I like it at least until now.

The makeover of the Steam library in 2019

The goal of this redesign is to make "easy and fast the exploration, sorting, masking and presentation of your games" and, according to my first impressions, that's right. At a glance, I can see the new updates / events of the games I own, return to my recent titles in a more visually pleasing way, filter my collection according to genre or " read status "(for example," not played "), and even create dynamic game groupings.

If you find the new look a little too big – some of the icons are certainly pushing it in terms of real estate screen – then you may want to customize your settings. To do this, skip to View> Settings> Library. You can change the size of the elements of the user interface. There is also a low bandwidth mode (to stop the automatic loading of community content) and a low performance mode (to reduce visual flair).

If you're looking for a way to narrow your text-based game list to currently installed titles, look for a harmless "play" icon above the list and click on that sucker. Any other advice? Share them!

The brand new Steam library [Steam]

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