It's time to start checking the pesky ticks


Spring has arrived and with the warmer weather, many beautiful things will happen on the outside. The increase in tick activity is one of the least expected parts of the warm-up. If you are 30 years old or older, you probably grew up at a time when ticks were not really a problem in this part of the country. In recent decades, ticks have spread to more parts of the United States and cause the diseases they carry.

Climate change plays a key role in the spread of these creatures. There are certainly fluctuations from one year to the next in their activity, cold winters temporarily reducing the activity of ticks.

For example, in Maine, the number of cases of Lyme Disease is over 1,000 a year in 2011 and, even though it remains high, it dropped last year. This may be due to the dry weather in this part of New England.

Blacklegged ticks, better known as deer ticks, tend to thrive in hot, humid conditions and may dry out on hot, dry days. Dog ticks are also very common and adults can bite humans, especially in spring and summer. Other ticks, such as the lone star, began to move north and east from other parts of the country. According to the Department of Public Health, here in Massachusetts, this tick is not yet a big problem, but it could increase and centers for disease control and prevention have seen everything in Massachusetts.


Distribution of single ticks.

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The single tick carries its own diseases, including ehrlichiosis, in which some people develop an allergy to red meat and other reactions, including skin rashes similar to those of Lyme disease.

You should check ticks (including pets) whenever you are in an area where ticks can be found. This includes walks in the woods, fields and even the picking of leaves in your garden. Deer ticks can be spread by deer, but mice also act as hosts, so even if you live in a region without deer, you can still be stung by a deer tick.

Unlike some myths, ticks do not fly and do not jump. You must make direct contact with them for them to attach you. It is generally accepted that if you remove a tick within 24 to 48 hours, the risk of getting a tick-borne disease is low. Personally, I've been stung by dozens of ticks over the years, but I check myself thoroughly after arriving in the garden and removing them every night.


Check for ticks daily if you are in tick-prone areas.

It is advisable to wear pants and long sleeves if you are going to be in areas where there is a risk of ticks and also use insect repellents. Repellents containing the active ingredient Picaridin are newer than DEET and do not damage plastics. Both are effective against ticks.

Weather conditions in spring and summer can increase or decrease the tick population, but it is guaranteed that these unwanted parasites are present and it is time to be vigilant.

Follow Dave Epstein @growingwisdom.


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