Ivanka Trump: daughter of combative new president raises questions about her future


Trump recently deviated from her more milquetoast posts to push back what she described as “partisan investigations” and adopt an aggressive posture more aligned with her father’s.

On Tuesday, Ivanka Trump was impeached as part of the Attorney General’s groundbreaking trial in Washington, DC, which focused on investigating potential wrongdoing during Trump’s inaugural festivities in 2016. And although she did not announce publicly her testimony in advance, she had something to say afterwards.

“This week I spent over 5 hours in a deposition with Democrat DC AG’s office where they questioned the rates charged by the Trump Hotel at the inauguration. I shared with them an e -mail from 4 years ago in which I sent instructions to the hotel to charge “a fair market rate” (see below) which the hotel did then “, did -she writes in the press release.

“This ‘investigation’ is another politically motivated display of retribution and waste of taxpayer money,” she added.

Charting the future: Trump's kids even seek to profit from their father's fallen legacy

The December 14, 2016 email, attached to Trump’s tweet, read, “Just see this. Why don’t you call and negotiate. It should be a fair market rate.”

Trump’s tone and ongoing “retribution” accusations came in the wake of her defense the week before two inquiries into the president’s tax deductions, which she tweeted as “harassment.”

“This is outright harassment. This New York Democrats ‘investigation’ is 100% motivated by politics, publicity and rage. They know very well that there is nothing here and that there was no tax benefit. These politicians are just ruthless, “she tweeted, later calling it a” fishing expedition “and” an ongoing political vendetta. “

The tone and tenor of Trump’s words and actions during the final months of her White House work indicate a transformation from four years ago when, when she moved to Washington, she was seen as a moderate voice, more socially aware than most conservative Republicans.

Yet over time Trump’s turn to the right solidified.

She “became full MAGA,” a source said, taking a more conservative view in line with the Trump brand, becoming more closely related to her father.

“I’m pro-life, and without any excuse,” Ivanka Trump said in an October interview with Real Clear Politics, taking a public stance at odds with the New York liberals she had once socialized with.

Trump has publicly maintained a perfectly fitting West Wing portfolio. And privately, she advised her father on a much wider range of issues. She also dabbled in diplomacy, meeting with world leaders on various topics and traveling abroad on behalf of the administration, including trips to India, South Korea, Germany and Japan.

During the presidential campaign, as swing states shrank and the drive to attract female suburban voters grew more disastrous for Trump, Ivanka Trump was the one who was strategically deployed, making several stops in suburban North Carolina, from Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Arizona. .

What Trump also found out during her appearances was that she was a lucrative draw for the party, raising $ 35 million in nine fundraising events. The ease of wooing donors, the high demand for his presence, and his father’s warm grassroots embrace fueled other notions for Trump – a stronger presence and a desire to pursue his own political future.

Candidate Ivanka Trump?

Trump has his eye on the public service, according to two friends and a small group of White House associates.

“Ivanka definitely has political ambitions, no doubt about it,” a source who has worked closely with the Trump family told CNN. “She wants to run for something, but it has yet to be understood.”

Discussions of Ivanka Trump’s candidacy for governor of Florida in the near future have been raised, as has a possible Congressional candidacy in New Jersey, two states where Trump has vacation homes. The Trump-Kushner family is currently renting a house in the Tony Kalorama neighborhood of DC, two miles from the White House.

They’ve kept their sprawling Upper East Side apartment in New York City, a White House official said, and the couple’s closest friends widely believe they are planning a return to Manhattan, even if it means a return. inhospitable to the couple.

CNN’s requests for comment from Trump’s spokesperson were not returned.

But another source close to Trump told CNN that speculators assuming she is planning a political stance should put the brakes on.

“Right now all she cares about is her political initiatives, doing what she can on behalf of the administration in the weeks that remain and looking after her three young children,” the source said. , adding that Trump had not “closed the door” on all future opportunities, including a race for the office.

The fierceness of her recent public comments, attacking Democrats and officials investigating her and her father, is calculated. She “talks more”, with less concern for “sitting down and letting people say whatever they want and distort the facts,” the source close to Ivanka Trump said.

The more she backs down, the more she positions herself for a future race as a Republican, the source who works with the family said, and she does so with the blessing of her father.

“Of all the kids, Trump is focused on his race. He sees Ivanka as the alleged heiress,” the source said.

Next steps

CNN reported last month that Trump has become someone looking for a way for the president to save face as he contemplates his own future. She and her husband, Jared Kushner, would prefer the president to speed up his court proceedings across the country, as they were unsuccessful and concede the race. A key force at play in the couple’s calculations: an eye on their future and the legacy of her husband Jared Kushner.

Trump is keenly aware of the legs Kushner’s work on Middle East peace could have in the months and years outside of Washington, often tweeting her husband’s accomplishments in the industry. She offered a more calibrated message to her father, asking him if it was worth damaging his inheritance and potentially his businesses to continue to deny the election results.

Ivanka Trump is privately realistic about the loss of the president, a source told CNN, but she also knows that her whole future – now more than ever – is tied to that of her father and must be treated with care.

Ivanka Trump, says a longtime acquaintance, “has ambition in her bones, she’s driven to reach the top of what she wants to achieve.”

CNN’s Jamie Gangel contributed to this report.


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