Ivanka Trump: "No equivalence" with the private use of email by Hillary Clinton


Ivanka TrumpIvana (Ivanka) Marie TrumpIvanka Trump and Tim Cook visit Idaho School District in Kushner to receive the highest honor in Mexico G-20 gives Trump an opportunity to champion women's empowerment MORE in a new interview, he stated that there was "no equivalence" between his use of a private email account for government emails in 2017 and Hillary ClintonUsing a private mail server as a secretary of state.

"All my emails are stored and kept, there was no deletion, there is no attempt to hide, there is no equivalence with what my father spoke, "Trump told ABC News.

In 2017, Trump used his private account to send hundreds of emails about official business to government aides, cabinet members and his personal assistants, the Washington Post reported earlier this month.

Trump has faced more and more criticism about the news, given President TrumpDonald John TrumpHyde-Smith prevails in the runoff in Mississippi after the public meeting between Trump, Cuomo and Tromo, at a meeting at the White House, to discuss an infrastructure project Ivanka Trump and Tim Cook visit the Idaho School District PLUSClinton attacks against his use as a private email as secretary of state. The President has repeatedly suggested that Clinton should be jailed for doing so.

Ivanka Trump, however, told ABC News that "there is no restriction on the use of a personal email".

"In fact, we are informed that if we receive an email on our personal account that may be related to the work of the government, you simply forward it to your government account so that it can be archived," he said. she added.

President Trump has defended his daughter and his counselor since the beginning of history, telling reporters last month that it was "false information" to draw parallels between his use of 39, a private email and that of Clinton.

"She was not doing anything to hide her emails," said the president. "There was no erasing like Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham Supreme Court CounselConfort sent Trump's lawyers information about Mueller's investigation: according to a report, the Mueller documents show communications between Corsi and Stone on WikiLeaks email. made. There was no server in the basement like Hillary Clinton. You were talking about something else, you are talking about false news. "


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