Ivanka Trump told dad to drop election fraud allegations: book


Ivanka Trump repeatedly implored his father, then President Donald Trump, to disown his claims that voter fraud cost him the 2020 election as he watched media coverage of the deadly January 6 riot on Capitol Hill. United States, according to a forthcoming book.

Washington Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward and reporter Robert Costa write in their September 21 book “Peril” that the first girl at the time told the 45th president three times to “leave this thing behind.” go “and” let her go, “according to a CNN report. Trump’s response is not mentioned in the report.

The book also recounts that retired General Keith Kellogg, national security adviser to then Vice President Mike Pence, urged the president to “tweet” to calm the throng of threatening Trump supporters. currently the vice president and members of Congress. .

“You really should tweet,” Kellogg told Trump, according to Woodward and Costa. “You have to post a tweet real quick, help control the crowd over there. It’s out of control. They won’t be able to control this. Sir, they are not prepared for this. Once a crowd starts spinning like this, you’ve lost them.

The president, according to the authors, responded by saying “Yes” and then “blinked and continued to watch TV.”

Hours earlier, Trump had ignited his supporters during a “Stop the Steal” rally in view of the White House.

Then President Donald Trump arrives in the East Room of the White House with his daughter Ivanka Trump.
Bob Woodward’s incoming book alleges that Ivanka Trump begged then-President Donald Trump to drop his allegations of voter fraud.
Oliver Contreras / SIPA United States

“We will never concede,” he vowed, adding: “You do not concede in the event of theft.”

Trump then called on Pence to reject the election results when he chaired the congressional tally later in the day, telling the crowd, “I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope. I hope. Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election.

As the chaos unfolded, Trump sent out a pair of tweets that did not condemn the riots.

“These are the things and events that occur when a sacred landslide election victory is so bluntly and viciously stripped of great patriots who have been badly and unfairly treated for so long,” it read. “Go home with love and in peace. Remember this day forever!

The other said, “Mike Pence did not have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our country and our Constitution, giving states a chance to certify a set of corrected facts, not fraudulent or fraudulent facts. inaccurate that they were. asked to certify beforehand. The United States demands the truth! “

Those posts, along with a video in which Trump told his supporters to “come home” and that he loved them, were then deleted shortly before Twitter permanently banned Trump from the platform. social media.

Contrary to the wishes reported by his daughter, Trump has maintained his baseless claims that his failure to run for re-election was due to fraud. He also sounded the same alarm, without evidence, about other elections – most recently, the California governor’s recall on Tuesday.

“Does anyone really believe that the California recall election is not rigged?” He asked Monday in a statement. “Millions upon millions of mail-in ballots will make this giant election scam another scam, no different, but less blatant, than the presidential election scam of 2020!”


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