Jack Kirby’s son denounces Trump rioters in Captain America Gear: ‘disgusting and shameful’


Captain America hits the Nazis (1)

Marvel Comics, Illustration by Jack Kirby

One of the most unfortunate images to emerge from the deadly violence instigated by Donald Trump last week was the sight of several pro-Trump rioters wearing clothing with Captain America’s shield as they looted the Capitol.

After all, as more than a few people noted at the time, Captain America is well known for several things. Like for example he defends democracy instead of working to overthrow it like Trump supporters did when they interrupted Joe Biden’s certification of legal election victory. Moreover, he is a staunch enemy of genocidal fascists, instead of proudly associating with them, as many of Trump’s supporters have done during their violence. And of course, he’s a patriot, unlike the traitors who started the American Civil War, whose flag several Trump rioters waved.

Naturally, fans of Marvel’s Nazi superhero weren’t amused. Thankfully, they’ll be happy to know that according to Neal Kirby, son of comic book legend Jack Kirby who co-created Cap with Joe Simon in 1941, his father would wholeheartedly agree with them. In a moving statement shared Tuesday night by CNN’s Jake Tapper, Kirby angrily denounced the Trump rioters who he said were examples of everything Captain America – and his father – opposed.

“My father, Jack Kirby, along with his partner Joe Simon, created Captain America in 1941. Perhaps the most iconic symbol of patriotism since ‘The Spirit of 1776’, Captain America has become a symbol and protector of our democracy and the rule of law for 79 years. it was created by two New York Jews who hated the Nazis and hated bullies. Captain America stood up for the underdog, and as history was written, even before he gained his strength and prowess from army scientists, he always stood up for what was right and didn’t. never backed down, ”Kirby wrote.

“At 72, I have a pretty vivid personal memory of every political and cultural upheaval since Castro’s revolution in the mid-1950s. Add my father’s stories to that, and I could probably paint a picture of the battlefields. from northern France surrounding the city of Metz during WWII, ”Kirby continued. “However, the events that happened on our nation’s Capitol on January 6, an insurgency inspired and instigated by our own president, will be the event that will haunt me forever.

“Watching one of the horrific videos of the Capitol Assault, I thought I noticed someone in a Trump / Capt. America T-Shirt! I was appalled and mortified, ”Kirby continued. “I think I even caught a quick glance at someone with a Captain America shield. A quick Google search revealed that Trump was Captain America on T-shirts, posters and even a flag! These images are disgusting and scandalous. “

And just in case there is any ambiguity, Kirby added, “Captain America is the absolute antithesis of Donald Trump. Where Captain America is selfless, Trump is selfish. Where Captain America fights for our country and democracy, Trump fights for personal power and autocracy. Where Captain America is alongside the common man, Trump is alongside the powerful and the privileged. Where Captain America is brave, Trump is a coward. Captain America and Trump couldn’t be more different.

“My father, Jack Kirby and Joe Simon, the creators of Captain America and WWII veterans, would be absolutely sickened by these images,” he concluded. “These images are both an insult to their memories. If Donald Trump had the qualities and character of Captain America, the White House would be a shining symbol of truth and integrity, not a festering cesspool of lies and hypocrisy. Several of our presidents had the same values ​​as Captain America. Donald Trump is not one of them. “

So, to recap: Captain America thinks fascists are bad.


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