Rumors have been circulating for months about Google's ambitions for gambling, especially in the cloud. Last year, the company briefly directed Project Stream, which allowed users to play Assassin's Creed Odyssey via Chrome. Google would work on a subscription-based gaming service and could buy gaming studios to make it more attractive. The company could now have someone to direct its gambling effort – Jade Raymond.
I'm glad to finally share the fact that I joined Google as a VP!
– Jade Raymond (@ibjade) March 12, 2019
Raymond has worked in several major gaming studios over the past 20 years. She has worked as Vice President of the Ubisoft Studio in Toronto. Raymond has also been General Manager of Motive Studios of Electronic Arts, Popcap Studios and the Star Wars portfolio of titles. She did not mention on Twitter what she would be vice president of Google, but we can probably assume that she is related to games.
Google is ready to announce Something at GDC 2019, a gaming conference that begins on March 18th. We will probably not have to wait much longer to see what the company has been working on.
Photo credit: MCV
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