Jake Arrieta’s thoughts on free agents leaving the little ones


Having been one of the most high-profile free agents to leave the Chicago Cubs in recent years and then return to the Cubs this year, Jake Arrieta certainly has a unique perspective on guys entering their walking years. And, as we’ve discussed at length, the Cubs are absolutely loaded with players in their walking year.

So when it comes to the Cubs’ brightest stars who have spent their entire careers here, but are heading into free will after this season, I was really interested to hear Arrieta’s point of view.

“I don’t know how much advice these guys need from me on this topic,” Arrieta this weekend, from The Athletic. “I wish they would try to get rid of their minds as much as they can, which is probably 100% impossible. Because, let’s face it, it’s a huge moment in each of their lives and the lives of their families. It’s a big part of the next phase of their career.

“First and foremost, the most important thing is to develop that team bond here in Chicago this year, performing to the best of their ability. Obviously, if they are able to do it and stay in the field, they will be very well paid. It’s kind of a bittersweet thing, I’m sure, for each of these guys. They have all been here for a long time. It’s hard to take off the Cubs uniform.

Difficult to take off the Cubs uniform. Sounds a little louder from a guy who left and then came back.

Arrieta is undoubtedly right that it is impossible for guys like Kris Bryant and Javy Báez and Anthony Rizzo not to think about the free agency combination that is looming and also maybe the end of their time with the Cubs. But Arrieta is probably also right that, as much as possible, staying focused on this year and this year alone is probably going to end better for everyone. Then after a good season – if no overtime has been signed – these guys can make whatever decisions are right for them at that point.

I can say this: it’s really weird to think of these three who leave after this year… then come back in three years as Arrieta.


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