Jamal Adams plays down the side trade with Pete Carroll



Sunday’s loss to the Bills brought in the most points the Seahawks have ever given during Pete Carroll’s tenure as coach. It also included a secondary interaction between Carroll and security Jamal Adams.

Appearing on the uninterrupted 17 weeks podcast on SiriusXM / Pandora, Adams downplayed the interaction.

“I’ve never yelled at Pete in my life,” Adams said. “And obviously I just met the guy. I’ve never disrespected Pete and never will. I have so much respect for this guy, you know, for the media and for the people who believe that this is not what happened. What happened was I was so excited that I ended up having two bags, or I think it was after my first bag, and I said to him, leave me, keep on feed me. I told him I was my lion. That’s what I told him. So he was smiling under his mask. I can see him smile, but he said, ‘Calm down, calm down.’ “

the back and forth video seems to be consistent with Adams’ version. Considering his history and reputation for being fiery at times, the fact that he gained attention is understandable. Still, this appears to be a far cry from the kind of coach-player kerfuffle that would create lingering issues.


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