James Bond star Lea Seydoux says Tom Cruise would win in fight with Daniel Craig


A picture of

Daniel Craig and Tom Cruise. Jun Sato / WireImage via Getty Images / Dave J Hogan / Getty Images

  • Lea Seydoux has said Daniel Craig will lose in a fight against Tom Cruise.

  • Seydoux performed alongside the two prominent men known for their own stunts.

  • Seydoux stars in the latest Bond film, “No Time To Die”.

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Lea Seydoux thinks Daniel Craig, 53, would be no match for Tom Cruise, 59, in a fight, she revealed in an interview with Craig in attendance to promote the highly anticipated new Bond film. “No Time To Die”.

Seydoux starred alongside Cruise in 2011’s “Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol” – and was asked to compare his experience working with Cruise to Craig on the James Bond, as both are known for their own daring stunts.

“In a fight, who would win: Daniel Craig or Tom Cruise,” Graham Norton asked Seydoux in an interview to which she laughed and replied, “Tom Cruise, of course.”

Seydoux played Madeleine Swann, Craig’s 007 deadly companion, in three James Bond films. Later during the interview on “The Grahame Norton show”, Seydoux said that she returned to the franchise because there had been an improvement in the quality of the female roles in the film.

Seydoux also discussed the impact of “Fleabag” screenwriter Phoebe Waller-Bridge, who was brought in to the film to rework the script, on the final film.

“She wrote for us and Lashana [Lynch] also and she’s awesome, “Seydoux said.” I love her, I’m a huge fan, actually, but I saw her briefly on set and wished I had more time with her. “

About Waller-Bridge, Craig added, “We didn’t have enough time with her. She’s very, very busy so we got her for previews and she came in and had a big influence. on the script. She’s one of the best around. and she’s released a lot. “

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Seydoux – who is one of the most successful French actors of his generation – discussed at length the evolution of female characters in the Bond franchise during the draw for “No Time To Die”.

In a recent interview with Sky News, Seydoux said she thought Bond was less of a “misogynist” now.

“I think this time the female characters have more depth and are stronger, but not only stronger because they’re competent and powerful, but we also want to have more interesting female characters – we want to partner with them. “she said.

“It’s the first time that a female character has come back – we get to know her and we get to know Madeleine in ‘No Time To Die’, so I think in that sense it’s a lot more interesting.”

“No Time To Die” hits UK theaters on September 30th. The film is Daniel Craig’s last release as 007.

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