James Comey hopes Donald Trump will not be indicted


Former FBI director James Comey said in a television appearance on Thursday that he hoped President Trump would not be dismissed, but wanted him to be replaced by a presidential term.

Comey, at a CNN public meeting, said, "I hope there will be no dismissal, because I think it will leave us in a situation where we will be somehow drawn from 39; case ".

Comey, who was sacked by Trump in 2017, called the president a "chronic liar" and said he should rather be defeated at the polls.

"We need an election where the Americans stand up and say," We have significant differences in immigration, firearms and abortions, but we also have something very important, but we have something in common and it's non-negotiable. Our president must reflect the values ​​of this country, "he said.

Comey also said, "It does not seem to matter to the factual recitation of the report" when facilitator Anderson Cooper asked him if he felt that the Mueller report showed that Trump was obstructing justice.

After the CNN segment, Trump is unleashed against the former boss of the FBI on Twitter.

"James Comey is a shame for the FBI and will remain the worst director of his long and proud history. He dropped the FBI, almost all Republicans and Democrats thought it should be FIRED, but the FBI will regain greatness thanks to the great men and women who work there! "

In another part of the interview, Comey answered "no, never" when asked if he would show up one day.

"I admire the good people who run for election. We need good people on both sides of the aisle who come to the office. It's not my thing, "he said, adding that there are other ways to contribute to the country.

Several Democrats have called for the dismissal of Trump after the publication of a redacted version of the report of the special advocate Robert Mueller on the investigation in Russia.


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