James Comey tells the media what they want to hear


Nobody should take anything from former FBI director James Comey seriously. The proof is in the national media, which ardently promotes every idiotic and opportunistic thing he says about President Trump.

The favorite "Republican" of the media is the former Republican who makes a big show about leaving the party to attack other Republicans. That's all that Comey is. The media reward him generously for that.

At a public meeting on Thursday at CNN, Comey was sure to profess the current media catechism: he declared Trump criminal and denigrated, Attorney General William Barr, and, as a symbol of his dedication, had resuscitated the media lie that Trump had ridiculed during the 2016 campaign a journalist's physical disability.

Anderson Cooper asked if the report of the special advocate, Robert Mueller, demonstrated that Trump had acted with a "corrupt intent" in attempting to restrict Mueller's investigation. Comey then replied that yes, although the report explicitly stated that the special advocate could not make this decision in the face of contrary evidence.

Cooper put more breadcrumbs for Comey, suggesting that if Trump had not been president, he would have been charged with a crime.

"Yeah, I agree," chatted the bobblehead Comey. "Without a doubt."

With regard to the Attorney General, Comey regurgitated the speech of the democratic media that Barr acted "as if he were the president's advocate."

He said the same thing on May 1 in an editorial for the New York Times. Writing from his big horse, Saint Comey accused Barr of "lacking inner strength", apparently because Barr did not join the media choir and entrusted all his powers of Attorney General to the representative Maxine Waters, D-Calif .

"He acted in a less than honorable way," said Comey at CNN's town hall before being applauded. "He lost most of his reputation with the way he behaves."

You talk about a pot that calls the kettle hack.

Comey was supposedly Republican before being fired by Trump and suddenly found

Jesus. Since then, he spends his days

spreading the good word, which happens to be a steady stream of invectives aimed at the White House, as shown by books, paid gala concerts and appearances in cable TV channels.

To this day, the media lie about Trump's "making fun of a disabled journalist," in the same way that they lie about Charlottesville. Comey, always on the lookout for what titillates the media, is assured, during his appearance on CNN, check box "disabled reporter" to be typed a little more in the back.

While he was explaining Trump's "lies", Comey remembered having dined with the president while he was still director of the FBI, and Trump explaining to him that he had never been mocked the journalist's disability. "But you do not interrupt the President of the United States and do not say: 'Mr President, I saw the tape, you made fun of a disabled journalist', said Comey. "Instead, it's washing you, and all of a sudden, you finish dinner or meeting and you realize, oh my God, I'm part of the silent circle of ascension, which I've just agree that it's true because I do not speak. "

That's the same thing that all conservatives erased from the media did after passing the 2016 election to oppose Trump, including Bret Stephens, George Will and Max Boot. Once Trump was elected president, they "left the Republican Party", winning contracts and lucrative cable television appearances.

Comey is not a saint. He is an independent researcher and he tells the media everything they want to hear.


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