James Corden Stops the Fan of "Game Of Thrones" by disgusting desire for his child


Warning: spoilers for "Game of Thrones" below.

James Corden was restrained when he responded to a "Game of Thrones" fan who wanted cancer for the child's late-night host.

In his Monday night monologue, the British host of "The Late Late Show" is mocked at President Donald Trump's trade war with China and referred to the episode of "Thrones." "Sunday in which Daenerys Targaryen unleashed a dragon fire on the inhabitants of King's Landing.

Check out the clip here:

An angry viewer felt that Corden had broadcast a spoiler for "Thrones" and tweeted:

"It's screwed, we can not even watch TV without a big fucking spoil something … Fortunately, I've seen before, but seriously, I hope his child will have cancer."

Corden, father of three, replied:

The troll, whose account has since been suspended, said: "It was a joke." But Corden answered again:

Corden's eloquent messages earned him a lot of support on Twitter:

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.


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