James Gunn reveals if DC had problems with Brightburn, inspired by Superman


Despite similarities between the main character, Brandon Breyer and Clark Kent / Superman of DC Comics, Brightburn's producer, James Gunn, claims that the film has received no reaction from him.

When Cinepop asked him if he feared complications with DC Comics, Gunn replied, "Well no, because many similar stories have been told over the years in comics, by different comic book publishers." He went on to say that he had a "good relationship" with DC. Gunn is of course writing and directing The suicide brigade for Warner Bros.

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Brandon really looks like Man of Steel in many ways. Both are aliens who crashed on Earth while they were children. They also share many of the same superpowers, including super strength, flight, and thermal vision. What differentiates them is the way they use their powers. Instead of becoming a hero, Brandon becomes a bad guy.

Directed by David Yarovesky, Brightburn is produced by James Gunn and written by Brian Gunn and Mark Gunn. The film stars Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, Jackson A. Dunn, Matt Jones, Meredith Hagner, Steve Agee, Becky Wahlstrom and Stephen Blackehart.

KEEP READING: Brightburn: Gunn's Evil Superman fails to fly over rotten tomatoes

(via ComicBook.com)

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