James Gunn says superhero genre needs to ‘bring in other elements’ to avoid getting boring – The Hollywood Reporter


In the wake of his next DC film The suicide squadJames Gunn shares how unimpressed he is with the current state of the superhero genre, calling the comic book adaptations “really dumb” and “mostly boring to me, right now.”

In a recent interview with Irish weather, the guardians of the galaxy The director said he believes the genre needs to make a difference and “bring in other elements” to avoid becoming obsolete. It points to the rise and fall of other cinematic genres, like war movies and westerns, as proof that the future of the genre “is going to get really, really boring” if things don’t change.

“We know the way the cowboy movies played out and the way the war movies played out,” he said. “I don’t know, I think you don’t have to be a genius to put two and two together and see that there is a cycle in these kinds of films and that the only hope for the future of comics and superhero movies is to change them. They’re really dumb. And they’re mostly boring to me right now.

Gunn explained that he didn’t always feel that way about these adaptations, which he “liked at first,” before noting that the advancement of the visual effects was one of the main reasons he fell. lover of the genre.

The 1978 Superman is a movie he still loves, and one that had “really got him excited” about the genre, although the writer-director admitted that it featured “a guy on cables and a blue screen with that kind of effect. crappy visuals “. He also highlighted the Iron Man as another example of how superhero movies have taken movies forward in an exciting way.

“[W]When Iron Man came out, I was in it. You are able to fly a guy who looks like a guy who steals. And that was a great thing to be able to do, ”Gunn continued.

The director then spoke about two of his personal creative inspirations, explaining how they influenced his expectations for the genre. Gunn subtly calls out the role of things like costumes and fitness for many on-screen heroes, suggesting that body diversity and a more motley or distinctive style is what he likes most about the genre.

“I have always been influenced by the art of Dave Gibbons and Alan Moore Watchmen where the costumes didn’t fit the superheroes perfectly, and they had a bit of a belly, ”Gunn said. “They weren’t all perfect bodies; they were not all beautiful. When they fought, they kind of got into Bartleby’s stupid thing of fighting in bars. “

Despite his somewhat generalized statement about the genre, Gunn eventually admitted that this was not a monolith. “There are people who try to do different things with superheroes,” he said. “So it’s not a 100% rule that not everyone is, but a lot of superhero movies are boring.”

Speaking of stylistic cues from his own upcoming superhero movie The suicide squad, Gunn shared that to film the “big” and “wide” adventure that he dubbed “a war movie-spectacle”, the studio built “the largest set ever built before” and used “special effects more practical than we’ve ever used in any movie.

“It makes the shoot more fun when I’m blowing things up rather than having silly CGI blasts. “


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