Jamie Lynn Spears to Troll: Britney Spears never paid me a dime


Jamie Lynn Spears, Britney Spears, 2017 Disney Music Radio Award

Disney Channel / LA Image Group

Jamie Lynn Spears I'm still not here for troll criticism of his support for his sister.

Britney Spears37 years, has experienced personal upheaval in recent weeks. She completed a one – month internship at a mental health treatment facility last month, more than ten years after her famous depression.

Friday, she and her parents, Lynne Spears and Jamie Spears, as well as his attorney-at-law, appeared in court in Los Angeles at his own request to speak to a judge who oversees his role as curator, as his father, who recently fought for a physical health problem , has mainly controlled for 11 years. . The judge ordered an assessment of Britney's situation.

Jamie Lynn, 28, expressed support for her sister by posting a photo of her on her Instagram page a few hours after the hearing. One person wrote in the comments: "Fear of losing your allowance, I see!"

"Haha, nice attempt, but I've NEVER received a penny from my sister, that's HIS hard-earned money, and I'm NOT entitled to a penny," replied Jamie Lynn. "I would not spend money that I did not earn.

She then deleted the comment and her remarks.

Jamie Lynn has already been criticized for the support she would have given her sister in turmoil.

In April, Jamie Lynn posted an Instagram video of her teenage girl trying to chase her sister's paparazzi.

"10 years ago, who was there?" she wrote. "I'm here before everyone else, and I'll be fine after I love my sister with everything I have, so any person or something that says the opposite can GTFOH with all the comments on what you do not understand Do not come for me or for those I love anymore You can bring out the "emptiness" with all that, like that other woman who was passing her mouth.

For years, many Britney fans have asked the court to end her term as curator and give her full control of her life. In recent weeks, the number of calls to "#FreeBritney" has increased. At a concert in Memphis earlier this month, Miley Cyrus shouted "Free Britney" while singing his hit "Party in the US", whose lyrics refer to the pop star.

Several #FreeBritney protesters gathered in Los Angeles court on Friday to show their support for the singer, who did not speak to the press and was then photographed leaving the courthouse without shoes. A hearing has been scheduled for 18 September. Britney is not obliged to be present.

-Reporting by Alli Rosenbloom


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