Japan tests the fastest Alfa-X high-speed train in the world, capable of reaching 400 km / h


Once in service around 2030, it will travel at a maximum speed of 360 km / h, making it the fastest bullet train in the world.


Update:May 12, 2019, 8:16 AM HIST

Japan tests the fastest Alfa-X high-speed train in the world, capable of reaching 400 km / h
On May 11, Japan tested the fastest Alfa-X high-speed train in the world.
Tokyo: Japan has started testing its fastest baletrain of all time, capable of reaching 400 km / h, while it continues to develop the revolutionary mode of travel.

The ALFA-X version of the Shinkansen train started on Friday for a period of three years.

Once in service around 2030, it will travel at a maximum speed of 360 km / h, making it the fastest bullet train in the world.
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It will also be ahead of the Chinese Fuxing train, which slows by 10 km / h although it was designed with the same maximum speed capabilities as the ALFA-X.
The futuristic design of the model includes 10 cars and a long, pointed nose.

It will be tested on the line connecting the cities of Sendai and Aomori, distant about 280 kilometers flying from the bird. The tests will take place after midnight when the line will be calm and will take place twice a week.

The ALFA-X marks a new growth stage for the Shinkansen, pushing world-renowned high-speed rail service even more rapidly into the future.

Its test debut comes as Japan 's new high – speed Shinkansen N700S continues its testing started a little over a year ago.

This model will come into service in 2020, but its maximum speed of 300 km / h – identical to that of other trains in the N700 series – will be easily surpassed by the ALFA-X.

The profusion of new models coincides with Japan's preparations for the organization of the 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo.

Regardless of how fast the train reaches its test speed, it will not match the record pace of magnetic levitation at Japan Railway, or maglev, a train that reached 603 km / h on an experimental track in 2015.


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