Jared Leto calls ‘Justice League’ Joker an ‘evolution’ to ‘Suicide Squad’


9:58 p.m. PDT 03/18/2021


Lexy perez

During an appearance on “ The Late Show ” Thursday night, the actor spoke of returning to play the iconic DC villain.

Jared Leto returns as Joker in Justice League by Zack Snyder, which premiered on HBO Max Thursday, and talked about reprising the “amazing” role.

By joining A late show with Stephen Colbert On Thursday night, Leto expressed how grateful he was to be a part of Snyder. Justice League and called the “Snyder Cut” as “one for the ages”. The movie will mark Leto’s first comeback as Joker after portraying the classic DC villain in 2016 Suicide Squad.

Colbert was quick to mention how it was discussed Leto’s appearance in Justice League could mark a “redemption” to “expand the character” of the Joker. But Leto reiterated that he just felt honored to be invited by Snyder to step into the shoes of the iconic villain again.

“I was just happy to be a part of his dream and to be invited to play Joker for the second time was just a treat,” Leto said. “It’s one of those roles that is just amazing.”

During Leto’s appearance, he could be seen wearing a “We Live in a Society” shirt – Leto said proceeds from the shirt would go to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention – as a tribute to a popular meme related to the Joker and to a line he announces -libbed in a now infamous Justice League scene that appeared in a new trailer for Snyder’s Justice League. Leto’s clip reciting the line went viral on social media and delighted many fans.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Snyder praised Leto for the now iconic line: “We went back and forth a bit, and I’m going to pay tribute to Jared for that little ad-lib there, because it was really, really beautiful,” he said. Snyder said.

The director also shared that he wrote Leto’s Joker scene during his quarantine at his home. “It was based on a bunch of ideas that I had had over the years,” he said. “I had planted a bunch of Easter eggs in the other movies that I thought it was time to harvest in this scene.”

To further compare Leto’s original portrayal of the Joker to the new film, Colbert held photographs of the actor posing in the character’s then green hair with skin covered in tattoos. Suicide Squad to the darkest and scariest Joker Justice League. Reacting to the two photographs, Leto explained that it shows “that there is a gap of a few years” between the two.

“I think it’s an evolution,” Leto said, adding that it’s common when working with a different director that “they bring out different things in you.”

Earlier today, Leto took Twitter to honor Snyder ahead of the film’s release: “Zack, you are a warrior and a madman. You know this world like no one else and it was amazing to participate in telling this story the way you always dreamed of,” he wrote next to a photo of himself on set with the director.

Although the rebirth of Leto’s Joker has been anticipated, Deborah Snyder said THR that it took a little while to secure the actor for the movie. “Zack and Jared talked for a while,” the producer said. “Before approaching the studio he wanted to make sure they were interested. At first it was like ‘No’, then it was like ‘Well, maybe’, and then Zack said: “Do you want to see the scene I worked on? ‘”

Ben Affleck and Leto ended up shooting their scenes separately due to scheduling issues, with the scene being completed over three days late last year.

Watch a sample of Leto on A late show under.


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