Jason Reitman clarifies Ghostbusters' comment on the return of fans


Can we put the tarp back?
Photo: Sony

I thought we were finally free. The 2016 ghost hunters The film is out, it exists. Now there will be another ghost hunters movie. Of course, this will not connect to the 2016 movie, what kind of shots, but it does not matter. Really, it's okay. Everything is fine. Or at least that was. For some reason, or no reason at all, all of this is becoming a thing again. And I hate that.

Earlier this week, Ghostbusters 3 Director Jason Reitman rolled his eyes when he announced to The Playlist that his next film would be distributed ghost hunters "Back to the fans", also noting that he "is not doing the Juno of ghost hunters films "(he also realized Juno).

"This is going to be a love letter to ghost hunters"Said Reitman, son of Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman. "I love this franchise. I grew up watching him. I consider myself the first ghost hunters fan. I was seven when this movie came out and I love it. I want to make a film for my comrade ghost hunters Fans. "

This may seem harmless enough – if you are not aware of the several months of annoyance against the 2016 project. ghost hunters film, which reinterpreted the franchise with an all-female cast. Some groups, largely composed of male fans from the original group ghost hunters, contributed to an online campaign against the film and those who supported it. It included trailers, tank critics, harrassing director Paul Feig, and movie stars, including Leslie Jones, who faced a huge amount of racist and sexist trolls.

Given the climate that surrounds this franchise, saying that you make the film "to the fans" after all these so-called "fans" have done is at best a bad communication and at worst a hissing dog. Reitman seemed to realize this and made a statement.

The director of the 2016 movie, Paul Feig, intervened To defend Reitman by writing, "Jason was one of my supporters at a time when I could not make movies. He has always been a true gentleman to me and a supporter of Ghostbusters: Answering the call. I can not wait to see his vision of the Ghostbusters universe. Great love and respect for you, Jason. Your fan, Paul. "

Reitman's tracking was fine, but in a way, it's a bit late. The online conversation has already started and it's already terrible.

I firmly believe that both films can exist …we are already doing. They are not obliged to connect or validate, nor to insult or annul the existence of the other. These are movies. We do not care?

The following ghost hunters The movie will not be released for a year, but it is clear that it will be the conversation all the time we are waiting for the damn thing. I thought we were free of it and I'm pissed that we are not. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to cut the word ghost hunters of my Twitter feed. You can all shout about it between you. I have finished.

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