Jason Sudeikis reveals heartfelt, Ted Lasso-like compassion in email to reporter


Whoever coined the adage “never meet your heroes” has never met Jason Sudeikis.

In an op-ed for Uproxx titled “Yeah, Jason Sudeikis is actually a bit like Ted Lasso in real life,” Mike Ryan recounts how he opened up to the actor during a dark time in his life. With a heartfelt email in response as proof, Ryan says “there’s actually a lot of Ted Lasso in the real Jason Sudeikis.”

During a difficult time at the end of 2017, Ryan’s father died of a heart attack. He has struggled with the aftermath of his grief, which continued a few months later when Sudeikis was doing the press for the Netflix film “Kodachrome,” which focuses on Sudeikis trying to work things out with her dying father, played by Ed Harris. When Ryan interviewed Sudeikis, he noted that much of the script and its themes affected him on a personal level.

Later that day, he received an email from Sudeikis which he described as “inspiring”. Sensing that his words might help others going through a difficult situation, he asked Sudeikis for permission to print his email, which he agreed:

I just wanted to drop you a quick note and let you know that I’m so sorry for your loss. And thank you for feeling comfortable enough with me to share. Please, please have no regrets in doing so.

It is important and necessary for us human beings to do this. To log in. Share. And not to worry too much about the result of such bravery. Especially the men of the world. Our generation is the first to “understand” this notion, but damn it, I’d love to try and be the first generation of guys to “live” the notion as well. So let’s both keep trying to be on that ‘side of the story’, right?

I wish you all the luck and openness in the universe to find the “four scrolls of Kodachrome” that your own father left for you. Because he did. It is over there. I know he is.

The only thing I want you to consider though, is that it might not be physically “out there” because it might actually be living inside of you. And through you. And simply accepting that possibility could be where and when the “discovery” occurs.

You see deep into things for a living. Allow yourself the experience of doing this for yourself, for yourself.

Alright man. Be well. Always nice to see you and chat with you.


Ryan argued that the reason he wanted to share the letter was because he wanted to spread Ted Lasso’s “refreshing” message of kindness and positivity to others.

“Turns out Jason Sudeikis, someone I got to know a bit professionally, but certainly not well, did a really nice thing for me when I really needed it and, frankly, I want people to know he did it. that, ”Ryan wrote. “Also, the very few people I’ve told this story to always have a very positive reaction and now I just want to share it with others.”

Read the original story Jason Sudeikis reveals Ted Lasso’s heartfelt compassion in email to TheWrap reporter


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