Jedrick Wills stays sick, will need another negative test to play


Jedrick Wills missed practice Wednesday and Thursday as the Cleveland Browns travel to Jacksonville to face the Jaguars on Sunday. Wills came out with “illness” but has tested negative so far.

If Wills can test negative again tomorrow, he’ll be ready to face the Jaguars. He must test negative for three consecutive days to ensure that he is indeed negative for COVID-19. If the rookie is unable to leave, swing tackle Chris Hubbard will play the left tackle.

Hubbard was just activated from the COVID-19 list today after missing a few weeks with a positive test. Hubbard has had to step in at the right tackle and right guard at times this season, he’s been versatile. Hubbard’s play has been about all you can ask for, it’s a very capable replacement, but won’t blow you away. It comes at the right time if Wills is to miss the game with the Jaguars, Cleveland will have some ability to work.

Aside from Wills’ unknown status, the offensive line should be pretty much intact against the Jaguars. This of course excludes any unexpected positive test or injury that occurs. Wills has a Rookie of the Week under his belt so far this season and has played pretty well. He’s had some growing pains, but looks at every part of the Browns’ future to the left.


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