Jennifer Aniston cut ties with her unvaccinated friends


In a recent interview with InStyle, Aniston revealed that she had to cut some people off because they didn’t want to get their COVID-19 shot or reveal their vaccine status.

“I just lost a few people in my weekly routine who refused or did not disclose [whether or not they had been vaccinated]”, she said,” and it was unfortunate. “

“I think it’s your moral and professional obligation to inform, as we are not all crammed and tested every day,” Aniston continued.

“It’s tricky because everyone is entitled to their own opinion – but a lot of opinions are based on nothing other than fear or propaganda.”

The morning show The star said “it’s such a shame” that “there is still a large group of people who are anti-vaccine or just don’t listen to the facts.”

When the US government encouraged people to wear face masks during the pandemic, Aniston tried to get his 37 million followers to do the same.

The actor spoke out against those who criticized the wearing of face masks, speaking about his friend Kevin who was hospitalized with COVID-19.

“Just think of those who have suffered from this horrible virus before,” she wrote on Instagram. “Do it for your family. And especially for yourself. COVID affects all ages.”

Aniston couldn’t be right anymore. She does what she needs to do to stay healthy, even if it means losing a few friends along the way.

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