Jennifer Aniston defends severing ties with unvaccinated people


Jennifer Aniston doubles down on her decision to remove “a few people” from her life because of their stance on the COVID-19 vaccine.

The former “Friends” took to Instagram Thursday not only to share a pro-vaccine message, but also to defend her choice.

In the Instagram story, Aniston responded to a fan who asked, “But if [Jennifer’s] vaccinated, she is protected, isn’t she? Why worry [having unvaxxed people] around her?”

Aniston explained, “Because if you have the variant, you can always give it to me,” referring to groundbreaking cases of COVID-19 infections.

“I may get mildly ill but I will not be admitted to the hospital and / or die,” the “Cake” star continued. “BUT I CAN give it to someone who doesn’t have the vaccine and whose health is compromised (or has an existing disease) – and so I would put their life at risk.”

jennifer aniston instagram
Jennifer Aniston has doubled down on her decision to exclude unvaccinated people from her life.

“That’s why I’m worried,” Aniston added. “We need to care about more than ourselves. “

After her explanation, the “Morning Show” star posted another Instagram story of an embroidery that read, “What doesn’t kill you mutates and tries again.”

Aniston, 52, has come under fire after telling InStyle magazine that she has dissociated herself from some people who would not get vaccinated.

“There’s always a large group of people who are anti-vaccine or just don’t listen to the facts. It’s such a shame, ”she said in her September cover interview.

jennifer aniston wearing mask
The star of the “Morning Show” has campaigned for the wearing of masks since the start of the pandemic. / BACKGRID

“I just lost a few people in my weekly routine who refused or didn’t disclose [whether or not they had been vaccinated], and that was unfortunate.

The Golden Globe winner said at the time that it was a “moral and professional obligation to inform” people about the benefits of the vaccine, but acknowledged that people have their own beliefs.

“It’s tricky because everyone is entitled to their own opinion – but a lot of opinions are based on nothing other than fear or propaganda,” she said.


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