Jennifer Garner sent a selfie to the wrong number and the text exchange was ‘humiliating’


The only thing worse than the dreaded “new phone, who is this?” receives a “wrong number” text message just after sending a personal photo, a lesson Jennifer Garner has just learned the hard way.

On October 1, Garner shared a hilarious text exchange she had with a stranger on her Instagram grid. Things started off fairly normally: the number the actor had on his phone was saved under the name “Carl”, just like in his old one. A.k.a co-starring Carl Lumbly.

“Carl– it’s Jen G. Here’s the proof,” she wrote. Unfortunately for Garner, she shot the selfie before seeing Not Carl’s response, “wrong number.” Plus, we love that she describes herself as “Jen G,” so the person she texted probably had no idea she was talking to a Hollywood star.

When she realized her mistake, Garner responded in the way you imagine America’s Sweetheart could. “Hahaha,” she replied, cheerfully. “Well, it’s me! “

Garner described the experience as “humiliating” in his caption. “Do you know the one time you took a selfie to prove to someone that you were okay?” And get a ‘wrong number’ message just when it hit the world? “She asked.” Well that’s humiliating isn’t it. #IfYouAreWorkingWithCarlLumbly # If it Please tell him I’m looking for him #BristowAndDixon. “

Obviously, Jennifer Garner didn’t have to share this moment with her 11.4 million Instagram followers, but we’re glad she did, and so did they. Fans were quick to tell the actor how much they would have appreciated receiving a surprise text from him.

“😂😂 This text exchange will be the only thing this person talks about until the day they die,” one user joked. “Did I ever tell you the story when Jennifer Garner texted me?” Answer from an 11 year old child: ‘Yes grandfather. 100 times already. “

Garner, who played the role of Sydney Bristow in A.k.a from 2001 to 2006, recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of the spy series by sharing a cast reunion in his first article on TikTok. “I’m more embarrassed for myself than you could be for me, so please look away.” 🙈👵🏼, ”she joked about joining the app.

She also praised the cast and crew who were unable to make it to the celebration, which appears to include Lumbly. “We missed everyone who worked and couldn’t come. We missed you, [J.J. Abrams], (because I fucked up and did this on a busy night). But man, it was so good to be together again. ♥ ️🥷🏻👩🏻‍🎤 “

So if your reading this and your name is Carl Lumbly, Jen G. is looking for you!


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