Jennifer Lopez at the gym with the rock of an engagement ring at the finger


Earlier this week, as one day after Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez announced their engagement, Jose Canseco went on Twitter to accuse ARod of cheating JLo with his ex-wife Jessica. Jessica has now reinstated her Twitter account to refute Jose's claims:

Was it a good move though? Because, of course, Jose had an answer. Several answers. They involved polygraph tests and challenged ARod to confront man to man face to face. For those who feared that toxic masculinity will decline, Jose does his best to keep it alive. WHY DO WE SPEAK OTHERS ABOUT JOSE CANSECO !? Nobody makes fun of Jose Canseco and this story was about to disappear. She is now back to the front page, which JLo and ARod do not want, at all. So maybe Jessica thought she was doing them a favor, but she actually did a favor to Jose, because he's alive again before he's thirsty.

As to who to believe – as I said the other day, it's a difficult situation with diarrhea. Nobody in this situation is a credible source. ARod is ARod. Jose is desperate, Jessica hates him, and JLo … well …

JLo goes to the gym with this rock on his finger. That's what she does – and I do not mean to work, but how she reacts to the pressure: she holds even better. She loves love She fights for love. Current weapon: a gigantic diamond. How do you even make pumps without this ring striking you in the face every time you drop? I could not go to the gym with this thing. I would be too scared to hurt him and hurt myself. And if it is chipped ?! But it's hilarious what JLo is used to. It's also what makes all this so incredible. It's not like she did not know what a gigantic engagement ring looked like – she knows it's so cool now: doing burpees, boards and mountaineers with the weight of 6 karats on one hand . She is experienced in the massive wear and protection of diamonds. Imagine that this is one of your skills?


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