Jensen McRae drops cover of ‘immune’ Phoebe Bridgers


Yes, a lot of people go viral on social media, but very few manage to turn their viral post into a legitimately great work of art. Jensen McRae apparently isn’t like most people. Earlier this month, the singer-songwriter went viral for a deeply accurate and dark hilarious tweet predicting a future Phoebe Bridgers song that will drop in 2023 on our current vaccination situation. “In 2023, Phoebe Bridgers will be releasing her third album and the openign track will be plugging into the car queuing for a shot at Dodger Stadium and it’s going to make me cry,” McRae tweeted, racking up 75,000 likes. Hang in a car while getting vaccinated at Dodger Stadium? Very sad. Very excited. Very Phoebe Bridgers.

But she didn’t hang up the towel after a funny tweet. Putting her money where her mouth is, McRae wrote the first verse of Phoebe Bridgers’ fake song and tweeted a video of her singing it with the caption “This is my preventative coverage of what I am doing.” imagine it will look like. ” The clip was so good and so perfect that it also went viral and caught the attention of Ms Bridgers herself who simply tweeted: ‘Oh my god’.

And now? McRae gave the whole world this fucking song. On Wednesday released the single “Immune,” the full version of a 30-second clip that started out as a tweet. The song Rahki produced begins with her viral verse and takes off from there, soaring and diving with McRae’s extremely talented writing skills and vocals. “Immune” fits completely into the work of Phoebe Bridgers’ sad daughter, but stands on its own as a unique work of art. If you love “Immune” – and trust us, you will – check out McRae’s previously released singles “Wolves” and “White Boy,” which we’ve been playing on repeat since McRae’s music video went viral. Check out Jensen McRae’s single “Immune” and get excited about her debut album due out later this year. If you love Phoebe Bridgers as much as we do, you’ll probably want to pre-order her.


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