Jeopardy: Champions share their fondest memories of Alex Trebek


CNN asked for a recent Jeopardy! champions to share their memories with Alex Trebek during his final season of the show, and their responses reveal how Trebek’s spirit and influence has extended beyond the podium.

“My favorite memory of my time on Jeopardy! Was Alex’s opening message on the Thanksgiving Day show, which embodied all the values ​​he was talking about: optimism, compassion and unity. It was an honor to be on stage as he delivered this statement, and will be one of those things that will stay with me for the rest of my life.

In this game the correct answer to Final Jeopardy! was Om, and after the show was over Alex came over to me and my fellow competitors (Zack and Aaron) and walked us through a chant of Om, which was also a really cool and special moment.

Overall, although Alex was obviously struggling a bit with his illness, what stood out to me the most was that he really really enjoyed hosting the show and wanted to keep doing it for as long as he could. He was in a good mood during all of my recordings with him, and I consider myself extremely lucky to have had the chance to share the stage with such an incredible man. “

Carmela Chan
Champion 3 times

Memorable & # 39;  Jeopardy!  & # 39;  moments

“Alex Trebek was like family. One of the first TV shows I can remember watching was Jeopardy! No matter what was going on in the world, he was the one constant that appeared every night at 7:30 am .

In every show, it was perfectly clear how much he cared about knowledge and anecdotes, and as a viewer, you could instantly tell how much fun he was having on the show. In person, that feeling has been multiplied by a thousand.

In the four shows I was able to record with him, I never had the slightest idea of ​​the discomfort or pain he must have endured. He always wanted to make every episode the best, most fun show, and was incredibly kind and generous throughout, not only to the contestants, but to his staff, who all clearly enjoyed working for him.

He took the time to give us all the words of encouragement, or even sometimes a false “stern” pep talk if we hadn’t bet enough. He loved to joke with us and at the end of my first show he turned to us and said, ‘Damn it, I had a great time! Hope you all did too.

As a contestant and a viewer, I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we have had so much fun watching him over the decades and I can’t thank him enough for all the joy he has brought to our lives. ”

Kevin walsh
Champion 5 times

“I have been a fan of the show throughout its run and Alex is the main reason I have come to see it as a warm and welcoming institution. He struck the perfect tone – erudite, but approachable; blinking and ironic; and always clearly encouraging competitors to play bold and win big.

Finally, appearing on the show was a dream come true, but interacting with Alex sent everything into the stratosphere. He carried and controlled the games so easily you would never have known he was sick. An accomplished professional, but also warm and encouraging. Even when he expressed his disappointment at candidates missing a clue to Canadian geography – as I did – it was with the air of a parent or teacher supporting you, urging you to do better.

They learned English - and how to be American - by watching Alex Trebek

The two specific moments that I always carry with me are very small, but meaningful to me. During an interview segment I was able to elicit a laugh from him and making Alex Trebek laugh made me feel like I was winning a game in itself. Second, a few games after my run I was warned to rewrite a bet due to bad (nervous) writing. Without even looking up from his desk, Alex offered a “Come on, Kevin, you’ve been here before.”

I know it’s wacky, but those sweet ribs made me feel more of a part of Jeopardy! than playing the game. “

Andy wood
4-time champion

“Alex Trebek impressed me the most with his professionalism when I was recording my episodes. Jeopardy! Records five episodes a day, which is a pretty grueling schedule, and I’m pretty sure it only happened. only once in the five games I’ve played when Alex had to re-read a single clue, and I think it was only because he didn’t like the wording and was editing on the fly.

During the recordings, he gave no indication that he was not 100% healthy. If I hadn’t known in advance that he was ill, I wouldn’t have guessed from his performance on set. During commercial breaks, contestants could hear a producer talking with Alex and basically saying, “ You know, you don’t have to do that … ” and let him know that they could stop at any time if he needed it. But he shrugged and insisted that production continue, only making a light joke about wishing they could only record one episode a day.

“Looking back, I’m really impressed with the way he handled the post-match discussions with the three contestants. Five times a day he should moderate what should be a very uncomfortable conversation between an extremely happy person and two people. who are… probably not too excited to have lost to this person, and the grace he’s shown for decades is truly amazing – it’s something like a doctor with good bedside manners. “

Kristin hucek
Champion 3 times

“I had watched Jeopardy! From a young age, so appearing on the show while Alex was still the host was really a dream come true. If in a hurry, I would have a hard time choosing which event was the most memorable: my wedding, which was scheduled for the same week, or my Jeopardy appearance!

And of course, the most exciting part of the whole experience was without a doubt meeting Alex. He is such a cultural icon and an integral part of the show. It was very humbling to see when the cameras started rolling that I appeared in the 8259th episode of the series, in its 37th season with Alex as the host.

He was just as kind, engaging and caring in person as he appears on TV. Given that they are recording five shows a day, I was struck by how quickly Alex was able to get in touch with each group of new applicants, especially given what we now know about the late stage of his illness. .

I was also struck by how perfectionist he is – he goes through the answers and questions of each game as if it were a script, taking notes for himself on the pronunciation of each of the words to make sure he said each one correctly. .

His dedication and clear passion for his work were inspiring to testify. And while I am sad for his passing and sad for the many contestants and the audience who will no longer experience the animation, I am happy that he was able to do what he loved until the very end. That we could all be so lucky! “


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