Jeremy Renner is spotted with Hawkeye co-star Hailee Steinfeld as they film scenes in New York


Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfeld appeared to prioritize safety as they filmed scenes from the Hawkeye spin-off on Rainy Thursday, amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

As they resumed production of their highly anticipated Disney + / Marvel series, slated for release in 2021, the 49-year-old actor wore a see-through face shield and a black denim jacket.

Meanwhile, one of his young teammates has kept his mouth and nose covered under two face masks as coronavirus cases continue to rise in New York City.

Cautious: Jeremy Renner appeared to prioritize safety as he filmed scenes from the Hawkeye spin-off on Thursday, amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic

Cautious: Jeremy Renner appeared to prioritize safety as he filmed scenes from the Hawkeye spin-off on Thursday, amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic

Later: Renner was seen without a mask, in a more formal gray blazer as he greeted onlookers

Later: Renner was seen without a mask, in a more formal gray blazer as he greeted onlookers

Later, Renner was seen without a mask, in a more formal gray blazer as he greeted onlookers.

He was also seen grazing a small group of child actors, even giving a small boy a ride on his back.

As for Oscar-nominated actress Steinfeld, 23, she wore a dark plaid coat, ripped jeans and a knit beanie.

Hailee, who was only recently confirmed to play Kate Bishop on the show, wore a dark bag and black Doc Marten boots.

On set: Renner's young co-star kept her mouth and nose covered under two face masks as coronavirus cases continue to rise in New York City

On set: Renner’s young co-star kept her mouth and nose covered under two face masks as coronavirus cases continue to rise in New York City

Street chic: Hailee Steinfeld wore a dark plaid coat, ragged jeans and a knit beanie

Street chic: Hailee Steinfeld wore a dark plaid coat, ragged jeans and a knit beanie

Rainy filming day: Hailee, who was only recently confirmed to play Kate Bishop on the show, wore a black bag and black Doc Marten boots

Rainy filming day: Hailee, who was only recently confirmed to play Kate Bishop on the show, wore a black bag and black Doc Marten boots

Rainy filming day: Hailee, who was only recently confirmed to play Kate Bishop on the show, wore a black bag and black Doc Marten boots

She was wearing a ribbed lavender top and her raven braids spilled out of her loose cap over her shoulders.

Renner unloaded several suitcases from a car and appeared in his element, after years of starring as Hawkeye on several occasions in the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies.

He first made a quick superhero appearance in the 2011 film Thor and again in 2012, when he landed a larger role in the first Avengers movie.

Safety first: the actors did their best to keep the masks on when they kissed on set

Safety first: the actors did their best to keep the masks on when they kissed on set

Marvel Vet: Heart of Hollywood continued to play the character, including in last year's Avengers: Endgame, which went on to become the highest-grossing film of all time.

Leading Man: Previously, he first made a quick appearance as a superhero in the 2011 film Thor and again in 2012, before landing a larger role in the first Avengers film.

Marvel Vet: Heart of Hollywood continued to play the character, including in last year’s Avengers: Endgame, which went on to become the highest-grossing film of all time.

The Hollywood idol went on to play the character, including in 2019’s Avengers: Endgame, which went on to become the highest-grossing film of all time.

His latest project marks Steinfeld’s first step into the Marvel world.

On Wednesday, she was first seen filming alongside Renner, who played superhero Hawkeye and his alter ego Clint Barton for nearly a decade.

Smiley: Renner joked with another of his younger teammates, as the older actor kept his face shield on and the younger wore a black mask

Smiley: Renner joked with another of his younger teammates, as the older actor kept his face shield on and the younger wore a black mask

Riding: Jeremy even gave his young co-star a piggyback ride outside the Peninsula Hotel in midtown Manhattan

Riding: Jeremy even gave his young co-star a piggyback ride outside the Peninsula Hotel in midtown Manhattan

The plot of the series revolves around Kate taking on the role of the superhero, presumably trained by Clint.

During their day of filming, the stars were joined by a dog who presumably played Lucky The Pizza Dog.

Lucky The Pizza Dog is Hawkeye’s canine sidekick, who has appeared in Marvel comics since 2012.

Getting comfortable: The two-time Oscar nominee had his arm around another of his young teammates, who presumably plays his daughter on the show

Getting comfortable: The two-time Oscar nominee had his arm around another of his young teammates, who presumably plays his daughter on the show

During a pause in filming: the actress donned her face mask again

During a pause in filming: the actress donned her face mask again

During a pause in filming: the actress donned her face mask again

Comfortable: Renner unloaded several suitcases from a car and appeared in his element, after years of playing Hawkeye on several occasions in the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies

Comfortable: Renner unloaded several suitcases from a car and appeared in his element, after years of playing Hawkeye on several occasions in the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies

Father figure: Renner was also spotted grazing a small group of child actors

Father figure: Renner was also spotted grazing a small group of child actors

During the scene, Clint and Kate appeared to be out of superhero mode as they were wearing normal clothes in New York City.

Her character, Kate, debuted in April 2005 with the first issue of the Young Avengers comic book series created by Jim Cheung and Allan Heinberg.

Its inclusion in the upcoming Disney + show has added water to the rumor that a Young Avengers series may be in the works.

Mid-rehearsal, or perhaps on set: Jeremy and his co-star appeared at work

Mid-rehearsal, or perhaps on set: Jeremy and his co-star appeared at work

On the way: the group was all smiles as Renner led them on

On the way: the group was all smiles as Renner led them on

Cool and collected: Hailee appeared calm and in her character on set

Cool and collected: Hailee appeared calm and in her character on set

Cool and collected: Hailee appeared calm and in her character on set

First Look: She was first seen filming the series alongside Renner, who played the superhero and his alter ego Clint Barton for nearly a decade on Wednesday.

First Look: She was first seen filming the series alongside Renner, who played the superhero and his alter ego Clint Barton for nearly a decade on Wednesday.

That, plus the possibility of an all-female Avengers movie at some point in the future.

Hawkeye, due for release late next year or early 2022, is one of several Marvel spinoffs percolating at Disney +.

Tom Hiddleston will reprise his movie role as Thor’s brother Loki on his own show due out early next year.

Additionally, Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany will appear on the highly anticipated WandaVision show, also starring Kathryn Hahn.

Coming Up: Their show, due out late next year or early 2022, is one of many spin-offs from Marvel at Disney +

Coming Up: Their show, due out late next year or early 2022, is one of many spin-offs from Marvel at Disney +


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