Jerry Rice concedes GOAT status to Tom Brady, but 49ers legend says he played in a more physical era


In the grand scheme of things, you don’t have to look too far into NFL history to find a moment when former San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Jerry Rice was considered the greatest player to ever see. never have stepped on a football field. . In 2010, the NFL Network ranked all players in the league on an all-time roster and landed Rice in the top spot. While Rice is arguably the greatest wide receiver the league has ever seen, times have changed in the GOAT debate over the past decade.

Since the publication of this ranking, Tom Brady (who was ranked 21st in 2010) has only completed what was already a Hall of Fame resume. Over the past decade, the now 43-year-old quarterback has added four more Super Bowl titles to his name, bringing him to a total of seven. These Super Bowls not only eclipse what any player has been able to do. during his career, but no franchise has never won so much. This victory over the Chiefs in Super Bowl LV once again put an exclamation mark on Brady’s GOAT status. Winning it all in his first season with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers – and away from Bill Belichick and the New England Patriots – showed he was still more than capable away from the all-time head coach and his old franchise.

Not only does Brady have the Championships to put an end to any further GOAT debate at this point, he’s also the winningest quarterback in league history, with 230 career wins to his name (and that account). He also threw the most touchdowns of all time and will likely pass Drew Brees next season for the most passing yards of all time.

With all of this in Brady’s favor, the once-clear Jerry Rice case appears to have dissolved, which the 49ers legend recently acknowledged. That said, Rice, who spoke to 95.7 The Game on Monday, firmly holds that he played in a much more physical time than Brady.

“I don’t have seven Super Bowl rings, but I think I played in a time when football was more of a contact sport. You see a lot of it now – players are protected,” Rice said, via Pro Football Talking. “When you have seven rings you do something good. I think with Brady he always wants to play. He said something about playing until you’re 45. I think that. he can do that now in this league because the players are so much more. protected. So, yes, he can have that GOAT status. I never wanted that status anyway. “

Again, not to take away what Rice did, but Brady won at such a clip – even before this latest Lombardi – that it seems ridiculous to put someone on top of him.

Meanwhile, Rice also watched Tom Brady and Rob Gronkowski break the tie he and Joe Montana had with them for most playoff touchdowns (12) by a QB-receiving duo after the Bucs combo collapsed. be connected not to one but to two touchdowns en route to a 31. -9 Super Bowl LV victory.


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